Weather service: Record-setting temperatures expected later this week

Expect hotter-than-normal temperatures in our area later this seek, the National Weather Service in Seattle says.

The weather service is predicting that it will be 20 degrees warmer than normal for early May, our online news partner The Seattle Times reported.

The hot spell is expected to peak at 82 degrees on Friday, weather service meteorologist Jeff Michalski told The Times. The record for May 10 in Seattle is 80 degrees, set in 1993.

Typical temperatures for this time of year are in the low 60s, Michalski said. But this week, a high-pressure ridge over Washington will deflect into Canada the cool, wet marine air that usually keeps the Seattle area temperate, he said.

The weather is expected to be back into a more normal — and cooler — range by early next week.


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