Edmonds School District voters were approving by a significant margin a school bond and levy according to first-day returns released by the Snohomish County Elections Office Tuesday night.
Both Proposition 1, a $594 million construction bond, and Proposition 2, a four-year, $120 million technology levy, were passing by a margin of 64% to 36%.
Proposition 1 calls for selling $594 million in construction bonds to fund accelerated completion of Oak Heights Elementary and replace the voter-approved 2021 Capital Levy. The bond measure would also replace College Place Middle and College Place Elementary, construct a fifth middle school at the former Alderwood Middle location, replace Westgate Elementary, and incorporate various bond renewal and upgrade projects.
Also included in the proposition is the proposal to move the district’s sixth graders to middle school. Moving sixth graders to middle school means that students will have a wider range of course offerings as well as access to lab science, the school district said. The transition would coincide with completing all middle school construction for the start of the 2028-29 school year.
Proposition 2 involves a capital levy that would fund a combination of student technology supplies including Chromebooks, pay for professional training and development to provide instructors with the needed skills to teach this material, and upgrade the district’s network infrastructure. The cost of these projects is estimated to be $120 million over four years.
The next vote count update will be released by the Snohomish County Elections Office at 5 p.m. Feb. 14.
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