Swedish Edmonds hospital is looking for registered dog-and-handler teams to serve as therapy animals.
Are you interested in making a difference in the lives of others with your dog? If so, consider the Swedish Edmonds Therapy Pups Program.
It is a well-known fact that animals can lower blood pressure and promote healing. They provide their own form of tender, loving care, which can brighten moods and decrease stress in those with whom they visit.For these reasons, Swedish Edmonds Hospital has developed a program that provides specially trained and evaluated dogs and handlers for visiting patients, visitors and staff, as desired.
Registered Therapy Teams (dog-handler) are wanted at Swedish Edmonds. Prior to starting the on-boarding process with the hospital program, handlers and their dogs must become a registered team either through Reading with Rover – medical badge, www.readingwithrover.org, or Pet Partners, www.petpartners.org.
Newly badged therapy teams do not need hospital visiting experience. We provide in-hospital training, customized to the individual team’s needs, during the on-boarding process. The patient populations served at Swedish Edmonds range in age, from adult to elderly. Visits take place in patient rooms, hallways and lobbies.
The visiting requirement is twice a month, or weekly. Shifts are for two hours maximum. New teams gradually work up to the two hour limit. Also required, initially and on-going: current shots, clear fecals every six months, bathing within 24-72 hours of each visit and current therapy team registration with one of the above mentioned organizations.
For those interested, please contact Christi Dudzik at christi.dudzik@swedish.org, 425 640-4852.
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