Sponsor spotlight: The Importance of Social and Emotional Learning

Social and emotional learning (SEL) is a life-long learning process applicable to everyone at every stage of life.

According to the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL): “SEL [i]s the processes through which children and adults acquire the knowledge, attitudes, and skills they need to

  • recognize and manage their emotions,
  • demonstrate caring and concern for others,
  • establish positive relationships,
  • make responsible decisions, and
  • handle challenging social situations constructively.” (CASEL 2009)1

Social and emotional learning:

  1. Promotes self-awareness& self-regulation;
  2. Reduces emotional distress and conduct problems;
  3. Prevents bullying, violence, and absenteeism;
  4. Improves partnerships by creating positive relationships between schools, home, & the community;
  5. Creates an environment that is safe and supportive of the well-being of the whole child;
  6. Helps prepare children and adults for career, family, and life. 2


1 Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL). “Social and Emotional   Learning and Bullying Prevention.” CASEL, American Institute for Research, 2009.

2 Durlak, J.A., Weissberg, R.P., Dymnicki, A.B., Taylor, R.D., & Schellinger, K. (2011) The impact of enhancing students’ social and emotional learning: A meta-analysis of school-based universal interventions. Child Development: 82 (1), 405-432.

Professional Development for Educators: Teachers may enroll in our ONLINE professional development training today!  Introduction to Social and Emotional Learning is a DCYF-approved training (3 STAR Hours).



Contact Information

Web: theclassroomhelper.com

Email: support@theclassroomhelper.com

506 2nd Ave., Suite 1400

Seattle, WA 98104

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