The search for the next Sno-Isle Libraries executive director is underway.
“Now is your chance, if you would like to provide input on that search,” said Marti Anamosa, president of the Sno-Isle Libraries Board of Trustees. Jonalyn Woolf-Ivory, the current executive director, will retire this November.
Interested members of the public are invited to take part in a brief online survey at this link and rate which qualities and experience are most important in an ideal candidate. The online survey will be open from May 7-20. Our search team will use survey results to refine the search criteria for the ideal candidate.
The board’s timeline anticipates identifying the top candidate in early fall and bringing a new executive director on board by the end of 2018.
“Our objective is to select the best candidate and continue to deliver world-class library experiences to every community in the library district,” Anamosa said. “The public’s input early in this process will help us refine our search and ultimately select someone who will guide us in continuing to provide quality library experiences into the future.”
The executive director reports to an appointed seven-member board of trustees which provides policy oversight for the two-county library district. Sno-Isle Libraries provides library services and resources to a population of approximately 750,000 residents across Snohomish and Island counties.
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