Ribbon cutting unveils new Evergreen Playfield turf

Participating in a June 9 ribbon cutting ceremony for the new turf installed on Evergreen Playfield, from left: Recreation Conservation Funding Board Member Kathryn Gardow, Verdant Health Commission Superintendent Lisa Edwards, Verdant Board of Commissioners Secretary Jim Distelhorst, Mountlake Terrace Mayor Kyoko Matsumoto Wright, 1st Legislative District Representative Shelley Kloba, and Terrace Brier Soccer Club President Carl Middleton.

The City of Mountlake Terrace cut the ribbon Wednesday, June 9 on the new emerald green turf surface installed on Evergreen Playfield #1. A virtual ceremony for the community to attend is also scheduled later this month.

Funding for the $2.2 million renovation project was supported by multiple partners including: the Verdant Health Commission, which contributed $1 million in grant funding, the Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office (RCO) provided nearly $600,000, and contributions from Snohomish County REET funding and the Terrace Brier Soccer Club user group donations provided over $200,000 toward the total project cost.

“The city is extremely thankful to have such great support from the community including a wide variety of funding partners ranging from $1 million from Verdant, significant support from the State RCO and Snohomish County, and donations from local soccer teams and parents,” stated Community Relations Director Virginia Clough. “The result is a beautiful new facility that can be enjoyed by teams, individuals, and families on a daily basis.”

Year-round usability is considered a key benefit of the renovations that converted the former dirt multipurpose field with aging wood light poles to a synthetic turf field with new LED lighting. The project also included new fencing, improved pathways, and amenities such as soccer goals and corner flags, with bleachers still on the way. The new turf field now accommodates soccer, youth baseball and fastpitch, t-ball, and possibly other uses such as ultimate Frisbee.

“On behalf of the Verdant Health Commission, I am thrilled to see this project come together to support our residents’ physical health and safety,” said Verdant Board of Commissioners Secretary Jim Distelhorst, MD, who attended the ribbon cutting. “I look forward to seeing community members, including our children and grandchildren, benefit from this field with year-round access for years to come.”

FieldTurf USA, Inc. constructed the project which began in January and was completed at the beginning of June.

The Evergreen Playfield Complex is located at 22205 56th Ave. W.

The public is invited to attend the virtual ribbon-cutting event on Wednesday, June 23 at 6:30 p.m. via Zoom. To listen via telephone, call 1-253-215-8782. To watch the event online: 1) Click on this link or go to https://zoom.us/join; 2) Enter meeting ID 827 5574 5558 and click “join” (you will be prompted to install the Zoom application if you do not already have it); and 3) Enter passcode 685558.

For those unable to make it, the city will post a link to the recorded event at www.cityofmlt.com/1982.

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