The Return of Sorelli… the pizza is in the oven! So to speak…


UPDATE 10/28/2009: Sorelli Pizza to re-open November 2nd

I know many Mountlake Terrace residents and followers are anxiously awaiting more news on the status of Sorelli Pizza. It’s interesting that such a small little restaurant has garnered so much anticipation, interest and excitement. I suppose if you consider the tight community we live in it isn’t so surprising at all, and Sorelli Pizza, under the old management or the new, is another piece of the community in which we all care about.

The new Sorelli owners have been very hard at work the last couple of weeks cleaning up years of neglect. Their hard work is paying off as the restaurant is looking fantastic. The trio is going for a completely new and more modern look, and although there are still some decorating decisions to work out between them, the paint and colors are clean and refreshing. The bathrooms are fresh and clean and the place is looking brighter than ever.

Over the last couple weeks, Sorelli’s has had the pizza oven deep cleaned, old non-functioning appliances removed, the tile floor stripped and polished and, of course, all the walls painted. Once open, sports fans will enjoy the new HD sports viewing while eating a tasty pizza. I visited today, and while there is still much to be done, the place is looking better and better!

As with any new restaurant, or cleaning and re-opening a neglected one, the work is massive, including permits, licenses, health inspections, cleaning, organizing, and on and on. The Sorelli parents certainly have their hands full on all fronts, but continue to move forward with a tenacity that is exciting to have in support of a local business.

The team is certainly working and hoping for an earlier than later opening date, but it is certainly contingent upon the progress of cleaning and getting the restaurant ready. Original goals and outlooks point towards a late October/Early-November opening date, but check back to for updates!

I’m sure at this point, many die hard Sorelli fans may be ready to cry into their mondo-brew and prized slice that all is changing and the ‘Real’ Sorelli is gone. The new crew assure me that the changes happening are for the good and for the life of Sorelli. While there may be many aesthetic changes, some price changes and even a few menu changes taking place, the core of Sorelli is to remain the same: A great pizza, at a great price, and a fun place to enjoy it. Judging from what I’ve seen so far, it’ll be an even BETTER place to enjoy that slice. More to come!

See our previous posts on Sorelli Pizza.

[image courtesy .Bala]

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