Restaurant news: Cottage Bakery pancake recipe, Paris Baguette coming to Lynnwood, Niles Peacock expands hours

Connor and his crew at the Cottage Bakery Community Pancake Breakfast.

Conor O’Neill and The Cottage Bakery in Perrinville held what is sure to become an annual “Pancake & Bacon” Community breakfast on a drizzly morning May 25. Despite the weather, there was a fantastic turnout for this event, which was sponsored by Realtor Michael Green. Freshly made pancakes, crispy bacon and hot coffee were offered free throughout the morning. The first 100 pancake eaters received a limited edition t-shirt too! Back in 2022, I featured Conor’s recipe for pancakes in one of my Healthy Eating columns. In case you missed this event, here is the recipe so that you can enjoy some delicious pancakes with fruit from the Edmonds Saturday Market.

Conor’s Cottage Bakery Pancakes
2 cups all-purpose flour (feel free to substitute with half whole wheat flour)
3 tablespoons granulated sugar
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
Pinch of salt
2 tablespoon butter, melted
4 eggs, separated, yolks/whites
2 cups buttermilk
1 tablespoon granulated sugar
Butter or non-stick cooking spray

1) Measure out flour, 3 tablespoons of sugar, baking powder, baking soda and salt into a medium bowl; whisk together until well combined.
2) Melt butter; let cool.
3) Separate eggs; add whites to a large bowl. Add egg yolks to a medium bowl and set aside. Beat egg whites with whisk or electric hand mixer until fluffy. Stir in buttermilk.
4) Stir egg yolks with 1 tablespoon of sugar. Whisk to incorporate the eggs and sugar to lighten the consistency of the egg yolks.
5) Stir cooled, melted butter slowly into egg yolk mixture. Slowly add this egg yolk/butter mixture to the egg-white mixture and fold in until fully incorporated.
6) Gently and gradually fold in flour mixture. Gently stir to remove any lumps. Be sure not to overmix. Refrigerate for about 10 minutes. Don’t skip this step!
7) Melt butter or use a cooking spray in a large skillet or griddle over medium-high heat. With a large spoon or ladle put the pancake batter into the hot skillet. (Don’t press on them as they cook as this will make them tough.) When you see bubbles forming in the middle and a nice browning on the sides then flip the pancake (only do this once). Feel free to add fruits, nuts or granola to the batter as the pancakes are cooking. I love to add blueberries or toasted pecans.
8) Serve with maple syrup, honey or sorghum and fresh fruit.

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Coming soon to Lynnwood: Paris Baguette

Paris Baguette drinks and treats.

Paris Baguette, the bakery café concept with 4,000 units worldwide, is growing quickly in the United States. Paris Baguette’s bakery café will be opening Saturday, June 1 at the Alderwood Mallmaking this the first Paris Baguette café to open in the state of Washington. Yoon Chang, an experienced entrepreneur who’s owned and operated businesses in the dry-cleaning and bubble-tea industries, has been a long-time fan of Paris Baguette, the global bakery café franchise. Whenever he would visit a location that had a café, he would wonder: “When will Paris Baguette open in Seattle?” So, after some deliberation with his nephew, Joshua Chang, Yoon decided to open one in the area himself.  “We’re on a mission to revive the concept of the neighborhood bakery café across the U.S., and we’re excited to see Yoon and Joshua take this on in their own community,” said Eric Lavinder, chief development officer. “One of the sayings our teams throughout the system embody is, ‘Happy to see you. Even happier to serve you.’ And we know Yoon and Joshua will wholeheartedly embrace this approach in their neighborhood.”

Location: 18601 Alderwood Mall Pkwy., Suite 1115, Lynnwood (next to Fogo de Chao).  Hours: Monday-Thursday, 7 a.m. to 9 p.m.; Friday-Sunday, 7 a.m. to 10 p.m.

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Niles Peacock Kitchen and Bar now open daily

Niles Peacock with his certificate.

Starting June 2, Niles Peacock Kitchen and Bar will be open seven days per week.  The new hours will be Sunday-Monday, 4-8 p.m. and Tuesday-Saturday, 4-9 p.m. Recently, Chef Niles Peacock completed his Professional Pizzaiolo Certification through the Pacific Northwest School of Pizza, located a ferry ride away in Kingston and taught by Master Pizzaiolo Will Grant of Sourdough Willie’s. You can take a three-hour pizza class at the school and learn the secrets of making an outstanding sourdough crust pizza. Niles and Will will be featured on an upcoming segment on Fox 13 showcasing their story.

Niles Peacock location: 178 Sunset Ave., Edmonds

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Celebrate with Free Slice Day at Edmonds Pagliacci Pizza

Edmonds’ Pagliacci Pizza.

Join the crew at Pagliacci from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, June 8 at their newly revamped Edmonds store and enjoy a pizza party on them. Just like a house, stores need periodic renovations. The Edmonds store, open since 2006, just got a major upgrade. The bulk of the work focused on the customer experience and includes additional seating, a larger slice bar, aesthetic improvements, a grab-and-go beverage cooler and a streamlined station for quick order pickups. At the Edmonds location only, enjoy free slices (two per customer) of the Original (cheese), Pepperoni, Hawaiian and The Italiano. Please note, due to the expected high turnout, they will not be able to take pre-orders for slices during the event.

Location: 10200 Edmonds Way, Edmonds

— By Deborah Binder

Deborah Binder lives in Edmonds with her family. She loves to cook from scratch using produce from the gardens she created and maintains with her husband. She attended culinary school on the East Coast and focused on desserts, pastries and bread. She’s worked for restaurants and caterers in the front and back of the house (kitchen) on both coasts. Her current interest in food is learning to eat for health and wellness, while at the same time enjoying the pleasures of the table. Deborah loves experimenting and developing new recipes. As Julia Child once said, “Everything in moderation including butter.” Deborah can be contacted at


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