All are invited to join Edmonds School District Superintendent Kris McDuffy on Wednesday, Dec. 6 for the second of four school tour opportunities for the 2017-18 school year.
The Superintendent’s Community Lunch and School Tour will run from noon – 3 p.m. and begins and ends at the Educational Services Center, 20420 68th Ave. W., Lynnwood.
The Dec. 6 program includes:
- Lunch and District update
- School buses taking attendees to visit Beverly Elementary, Meadowdale Middle and Meadowdale Elementary — schools in the northwest quadrant
- Attendees will meet students, principals and teachers and see what’s happening in the schools.
RSVP are encouraged but not required by Friday, Dec. 1 so the district can plan for the number of meals and school buses needed.
Spanish interpretation will be available. If you’d like additional languages or need any other accommodations, contact Oscar Halpert, or 425-431-7045.
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