The Mountlake Terrace City Council is seeking applicants for the Position 3 seat vacated by the resignation of Councilmember Doug McCardle.
By city code, the council will appoint someone to fill the position through the next election cycle in 2023. That person then could choose whether to seek re-election for the remainder of the term through 2025.
Application information is available at All materials must be submitted by 4 p.m. Dec. 28 for consideration.
To qualify, each candidate must be at least 18, a U.S. citizen without felony history and a registered voter who has lived in city limits for at least one year.
The city council meets at 7 p.m. on the first and third Mondays of each month, except for holidays, when the meetings move to Tuesday. In addition, a work/study session occurs on the Thursdays preceding each regular meeting. That leads to about four meetings a month. Some special meetings will occur at earlier hours and on weekends as needed.
Councilmembers also are asked to serve on city and intergovernmental boards and committees, attend community events and trainings, and spend time reviewing meeting materials. They are paid a stipend of $955 per month. Further rules and procedures can be found in Chapter 2.10 of the Mountlake Terrace Municipal Code.
After applications are collected and processed, the city council plans to interview candidates in January or February at a special meeting, likely on a Saturday. Interviews will occur in open session, meaning the public may attend. The council then will evaluate applicant qualifications in executive session, and reconvene in open session for further discussion and to select the new councilmember. That person tentatively would be sworn in at a meeting in February.
For more information, contact City Clerk Jennifer Joki at 425-744-1665 or Arrangements can be made to submit applications in person or via the mail as needed, though most will find it easiest to apply online.
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