Primary election ballots coming soon

Primary election ballots will begin arriving in Mountlake Terrace and Brier mailboxes over the next couple of days, but voters will have little to consider on those ballots.

The primary will feature all partisan races up for election this year and any non-partisan races with three or more candidates. In Mountlake Terrace and Brier that means only the Snohomish County Council Position 4 race of Terry Ryan (D) and Robert Reedy (R) will be on the ballot. No matter the outcome of the primary, both candidates will appear on the general election ballot on Nov. 5.

A small area of southeast Brier that resides inside the Northshore School District will also see a school district director race on their ballots. Three candidates are running for Northshore School District position #1, Marci Cheesebrough, Kimberly D’Angelo and Julia Lacey; the primary will narrow that race down to two candidates for the November vote.

The cities of Mountlake Terrace and Brier both have a number of city council races on the November ballot, but because no more than two candidates are running for any one council position, and because they are non-partisan posts, no city council races will appear on the primary ballot.

Snohomish County Fire District 1 Commissioner Position 1 is on the primary ballot with four candidates running for the post, but only voters in unincorporated areas of south Snohomish County will see the race on their ballots. The Cities of Mountlake Terrace and Brier aren’t officially within the fire district’s jurisdiction, but instead contract for their services; therefore residents of the two cities aren’t eligible to vote in Fire District 1 commissioner elections.

While Mountlake Terrace and Brier voters will receive primary ballots, there are precincts in Snohomish County in Edmonds, Everett and Tulalip that have no valid races in the primary and will not receive ballots.

Primary election voters have until Aug. 6 to get their completed ballots in the mail and postmarked, or dropped into a 24-hour ballot drop box. The closest ballot drop boxes for Mountlake Terrace and Brier voters are near the Edmonds Library at 650 Main St. and outside Lynnwood City Hall at 19100-44th Ave. W.

— By Doug Petrowski

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