The Mountlake Terrace High School Drama and Music Departments head to the farm this week as they present Honk!, a musical adaptation of Hans Christian Anderson’s fairy tale “The Ugly Duckling.” Performances are scheduled for Wednesday through Saturday, April 20-23, at the Mountlake Terrace High School. Showtime each night is 7 p.m.
Honk!, written by British writers and lyricists Anthony Drewe and George Stiles, follows the hardships of Ugly, a cygnet that is rejected by all the other barnyard animals because of his appearance except for his mother. While Ugly feels disowned by others, a sly cat befriends him for the purpose of making the young fowl a meal. Ugly must deal with the feelings of rejections while discovering who to trust and how to carry on in a sometimes difficult world.
The MTHS production of Honk! includes dazzling costumes, a colorful stage design, many fun musical numbers and a full band from the school’s music department
Admission to any performance of Honk! this week is $10, $8 for children, students with a valid ASB card, and senior 62 years old and older. Tickets will be available at the door.
Mountlake Terrace High School is located at 21801 44th Ave. W. in Mountlake Terrace.
–By Doug Petrowski
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