The Mountlake Terrace High School Drama Department hits the stage this week to present three performances of Moon Over Buffalo, a madcap comedy that takes place in a repertory theater circa 1953 in Buffalo, New York.
Moon Over Buffalo centers on the married duo of George and Charlotte Hay, fading stars of the 1950’s, who are members of a traveling troupe performing two different plays in Buffalo. George and Charlotte suddenly hear that Frank Capra is coming to town with hopes of casting his latest movie project and the couple sense they have one last shot at stardom. Unfortunately, things don’t exactly go as planned.
The show was written by American playwright Ken Ludwig and first performed on Broadway in 1995.
The MTHS Drama Department production of Moon Over Buffalo opens on Thursday, Feb. 4, with performances at the Mountlake Terrace High School Theater continuing on Friday and Saturday, Feb. 5 and 6. Showtime is 7:00 p.m. each night. Tickets will be available at the door for $5.
Mountlake Terrace High School is located at 21801 44th Ave. W.
–By Doug Petrowski
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