Mountlake Terrace Recreation offering babysitter, junior lifeguard training

MLT parks recMountlake Terrace Recreation and Parks is offering babysitter and lifeguard classes in August.

Babysitter’s training will meet Aug. 10 through 13 from 12:30-3:30 p.m. This class is for youth ages 11-15 and will cover the responsibilities of babysitting, characteristics of children, games and activities.  Participants who successfully complete the exams and skills for Child and Infant CPR and First Aid will be certified in these courses. Workbook and supplies will be provided. Fees are Mountlake Terrace residents $120 and non-residents $130.

Junior Lifeguarding will cover some of the topics covered in the Lifeguard Training course. This course is for youth ages 11-14 and is a non-certification class. Participants will work on swimming strokes and mechanics, endurance, strength, and basic first aid and CPR skills. Students will learn how to prevent aquatic accidents and what it takes to become a lifeguard.  This class will meet Monday through Thursday for two weeks Aug. 17-27 from 12:30-3:30 p.m. Fees are Mountlake Terrace residents $154 and non-residents $182.

For more information, or to register, contact the Recreation Pavilion at 425-776-9173 or visit

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