March 18
23200 block 58th Avenue West: A resident reported that his vehicle had been damaged overnight. Someone cut the main fuel line, which runs from the fill nozzle down to the gas tank, and it appeared as if the damage was done to bypass the anti-siphon mechanism. The victim discovered the damage when he was at the gas station and fuel was dumping on the ground from the cut tank hose. He stated that the vehicle didn’t have much fuel in its tank at the time the incident occurred and he was unsure how much, if any, gasoline had been taken.
4100 block 236th Street Southwest: Police determined there was probable cause to arrest a woman for domestic violence assault and resisting arrest. The woman was observed picking up a carton of soup and throwing it at her father, striking him in the right shoulder blade/back of the neck. While being arrested, she resisted being put into handcuffs. After being handcuffeds, she then refused to walk, grappled two police officers’ legs and also tried to kick one of the officers. The woman was subsequently carried to a patrol car, placed inside and transported to the Snohomish County Jail, where she was booked on the two charges.
23200 block 56th Avenue West: A man was trespassed from the Calvary Fellowship property for one year. He was reported to have been sleeping on the church’s property and was not compliant with staff’s requests when asked to leave.
22000 block 67th Place West: Police determined probable cause to arrest and charge a man for domestic violence assault after he head-butted his wife’s face, causing her nose to bleed. The subject had left the residence before police arrived and an area check did not locate him.
March 19
Intersection of 220th Street Southwest and 58th Avenue West: The driver of a black Ford Explorer was said to have pointed a gun at the two occupants of a vehicle while they were stopped at the intersection. One of the victims reported that the black SUV was driving behind them while traveling eastbound on 220th Street Southwest and the driver had been honking his vehicle’s horn. Upon arriving at the intersection’s four-way stop, the Explorer pulled up in the lane beside them and the male driver pointed a black semiautomatic handgun through an open window at the two victims. The man was reported to have twice yelled, “You better watch how you’re driving,” and then drove away, heading southbound on 58th Avenue West. A search of the area did not locate the suspect vehicle.
March 20
19700 block of Interstate 5 in Lynnwood: A man was arrested for DUI and driving with a suspended license during a traffic stop on the northbound I-5 off-ramp to Poplar Lane. Police had observed him driving erratically while entering the freeway from 220th Street Southwest in Mountlake Terrace. A search of the U-Haul truck he was driving located several items of drug paraphernalia, and the subject stated that he had smoked fentanyl approximately two to three hours prior to being pulled over. He was subsequently transported to the Snohomish County Jail for booking.
5500 block 238th Street Southwest: A man was arrested for having an outstanding felony warrant for attempted robbery out of the King County Sheriff’s Office. He was then transported to the Thriftway located in the 20100 block of Ballinger Way Northeast in Shoreline, where custody was transferred to a King County sheriff’s deputy.
March 21
4000 block 212th Street Southwest: Police determined probable cause to charge a man with violating the conditions of a domestic violence no-contact order that included no contact within 1,000 feet of the petitioner’s residence and no telephone communication. The subject had reportedly texted his ex-girlfriend and stopped by her residence earlier, although he was not there at the time police were contacted.
23200 block 58th Avenue West: A resident called police to report that she had fallen victim to a phone scam. The woman stated she had received a call from a phone number she believed belonged to the U.S. Marshals Service, and a subject informed her that a warrant was being issued for her arrest. The victim was told that the issue could be resolved if she went to a specific bank in Lynnwood, withdraw $4,500 and then purchase the same amount of Bitcoin with the money. She was then required to take a picture of the receipt. After speaking with police, she contacted her bank in an attempt to cancel the transaction but staff informed her the money had been “taken out” by that time.
4700 block 212th Street Southwest: A man and woman were provided with domestic violence pamphlets following a verbal argument between them.
5900 block 242nd Street Southwest: A vehicle prowl was reported after its owner recently discovered that the vehicle’s registration and a diaper bag were missing. There was no damage to the vehicle.
21900 block Highway 99: An employee at the Red Dragon Casino told police that a junk vehicle he planned on selling to a junkyard was recently stolen from the casino’s parking lot.
March 22
23200 block 58th Avenue West: A man discovered that his truck’s glove box was open and the vehicle’s title along with a portable speaker was missing. The victim stated that he had left the vehicle unlocked while it was parked at his workplace and the truck was not damaged during the incident.
5100 block 212th Street Southwest: A hit-and-run was reported after a resident discovered that her mailbox had been destroyed. The victim stated that she believed a vehicle had struck her mailbox because she had found a vehicle’s headlamp next to it. She estimated the cost of repairing or replacing the mailbox to be approximately $300.
24000 block Van Ry Boulevard: During a traffic stop, a woman was arrested on an outstanding warrant out of the Mukilteo Police Department. She was then transported to the Safeway located at 148th Street Southwest and Highway 99 for a custody transfer with Mukilteo police.
March 23
22800 block Lakeview Drive: A resident at the Andorra Estates apartments said that her car’s catalytic converter was stolen overnight in the parking lot.
22300 block 70th Avenue West: Theft was reported at Ken’s Pool and Patio after it was discovered that someone had cut a lock off one of the company’s work trucks overnight and stolen a set of Makita cordless power tools valued at $1,080.
4800 block 239th Street Southwest: Police determined probable cause exists to charge a man with domestic violence assault for grabbing his wife by the throat while pulling her out of her vehicle, which he had taken on March 22 despite her not wanting him to. The victim had entered the passenger side of the vehicle in an attempt to stop the man from leaving, but he drove off with her in the vehicle until finally stopping at Candy Cane Park. At that point, the suspect got out of the vehicle, opened the passenger door and grabbed her by the throat. She told him to stop, but he continued until he had pulled her out of the vehicle. The victim stated that she never lost consciousness, but it was difficult to breathe and bruises were observed on her neck consistent with having been grabbed. After the victim was pulled out of the vehicle, the subject drove away. Attempts to contact the man were unsuccessful and a citation was sent to the court for filing charges against him for domestic violence assault.
21200 block 52nd Avenue West: The owner of a Kia Optima reported being the victim of a hit-and-run collision in the 7-Eleven parking lot. He stated a black Cadillac Escalade that was backing out of a parking spot collided with the front passenger bumper of his car. After getting out of his vehicle to inspect the damage, he spoke with the white female Escalade driver, who was described as 5-feet, 6-inches tall, skinny, with blond hair and wearing glasses. When the man asked the woman for her insurance information, she reportedly replied she did not have any and got back into the Escalade and left the area, heading southbound on 52nd Avenue West. An area check for the vehicle did not locate it. The victim was not injured in the incident and estimated the damages to his car at $1,000.
March 24
5400 block 212th Street Southwest: Police determined there was probable cause to arrest a man for domestic violence assault after he shoved his fiancée during a March 22 argument, causing her to fall to the ground.
23000 block Lakeview Drive: A property owner of the Ballinger Point Condominiums witnessed a female suspect attempting to steal fuel from a Chevrolet van in the parking lot. He stated that upon confronting her, the woman fled the scene before she was able to steal any gasoline. She left in a Ford F-350 truck last seen driving northbound on Lakeview Drive, but an area check did not locate the suspect vehicle. The van’s locking gas cap was damaged and no longer able to be secured. Security footage showed the suspect was a white female wearing a red beanie, black jacket, jeans and white tennis shoes. The truck was described as an early 2000s model white Ford F-350 with a white canopy over the bed and a black contractor roof rack. Because the suspect broke the locking gas cap to siphon gasoline from the van, police determined there is probable cause to arrest her for malicious mischief and attempted theft.
24000 block Van Ry Boulevard: A woman reported that her vehicle had been prowled overnight while parked at the Studio 6 hotel, and an HP laptop with an estimated value of $400 was stolen.
24000 block Van Ry Boulevard: A woman was arrested at the Studio 6 hotel for having multiple outstanding felony warrants out of the Seattle Police Department. She was subsequently transported to the King County Jail for booking, but while there the woman advised police she had ingested 20 fentanyl pills and requested that she be taken to the hospital. Corrections staff declined to book her into the jail and medics responded to the scene. Aid took custody of the woman and she was then transported to UW Medical Center – Northwest.
— Compiled by Nathan Blackwell
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