Mountlake Terrace Police Blotter: March 13-19, 2024

March 13

23500 block of 56th Avenue West: Police investigated a civil issue with a vehicle sale. 

4400 block of 212th Street Southwest: A custody issue over a cat was reported.

7000 block of 220th Street Southwest: A suspicious email was reported.

23000 block of 58th Avenue West: A hit-and-run collision was reported. 

March 14

23500 block of 56th Avenue West: A bicycle was reported stolen.

22400 block of 59th Place West: Police investigated a person in crisis. The subject was transported to the hospital for assistance.

6000 block of Saint Albion Way: A domestic assault report was reported. The alleged assault occurred in October; officers were not able to establish probable cause.

23300 block of Cedar Way: An attempted gas theft from a vehicle was reported. The vehicle’s gas tank was damaged.

5400 block of 212th Street Southwest: A domestic disturbance was reported. Officers were able to establish probable cause for domestic violence harassment, criminal trespassing, third-degree theft, knowingly possessing a controlled substance and making false and misleading statements to a public servant. The suspect was arrested and booked into jail.

22800 block of 44th Avenue West: A burglary was reported. Upon officers’ arrival the suspects had fled the area. A K9 track and area check was conducted with negative results. 

March 15

4900 block of 217th Street Southwest: Police investigated a report of an adult subject who broke into his parents’ home, armed with two hatchets. When confronted by his mother he communicated an intent for violence. Patrol was able to evacuate the residents, while the suspect remained barricaded inside. Following extended negotiation he exited the residence and was safely taken into custody. He was subsequently booked for several domestic offenses, including burglary and assault.

22900 block of 44th Avenue West: A report was investigated of a located missing juvenile. Upon officers’ arrival, the juvenile fled on foot and was not located.

4300 block of 212th Street Southwest: A patrol officer located a suspicious vehicle which was idling. The officer contacted the driver and determined they were impaired on narcotics. The subject was arrested for physical control and booked into jail.

4300 block of 212th Street Southwest: An alcohol theft was reported. The suspect fled the area prior to officers’ arrival. Officers were able to identify the suspect by reviewing video surveillance. Charges for the theft are being forwarded.

21300 block of 52nd Avenue West: A theft was reported. The rear wheels were stolen off a victim’s vehicle.

4200 block of 214th Street Southwest: An assault report was reported.

22400 block of 59th Place West: A missing person was reported.

24000 block of Van Ry Boulevard: Mail theft was reported.

23300 block of Cedar Way: A complaint was investigated of a dog who got away from its owner and went after another dog. 

March 16

4400 block of 212th Street Southwest: Police investigated when they viewed a domestic violence no-contact order violation in progress. The officer contacted the subject and arrested them for the violation.

4400 block of 228th Street Southwest: A domestic incident was reported, in which the suspect smashed the victim’s car window with a stool. The suspect was arrested for domestic violence malicious mischief.

22800 block of 44th Avenue West: A burglary was reported. A hole was cut in the back fence and a suspect entered the outdoor area of the store.

22800 block of 44th Avenue West: A burglary was reported at a business.

March 17

24000 block of Van Ry Boulevard: A subject threw a rock into a hotel room window and shattered it. The suspect fled the area prior to officers’ arrival.

23300 block of 55th Avenue West: A vehicle theft report was made.

21200 block of 44th Avenue West: Police investigated a subject who stole an 18-pack of beer. The suspect fled the area in a vehicle. 

March 18

5900 block of 232nd Street Southwest: A community member turned in a found home-monitoring bracelet. 

March 19

22700 block of Lakeview Drive: A person in crisis was reported. The subject was transported to the hospital for assistance.

22200 block of 66th Avenue West: A hit-and-run accident was reported.

4500 block of 240th Street Southwest: Mail theft was reported.

23400 block of Peterson Drive: Fraud was reported.

21600 block of 56th Avenue West: A package was reported stolen.

22400 block of 36th Avenue West: Mail theft was reported.

Officers located a vehicle with the driver slumped over the wheel and with the keys in the ignition. Officers determined the driver was impaired on narcotics, and the driver was arrested for physical control and booked into jail. 

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