Here are an assortment of Mountlake Terrace police reports from the last week or so.
On Saturday, 8-27-11 at 11:52 AM, officers responded to an injury accident in the 21800 block of 60th Ave West. According to dispatch, the female driver of one of the cars had suffered an injury and was bleeding. The investigation found that the female with her 7 year-old daughter and her husband with their 13 year-old son were both northbound on 60th in separate vehicles. The female had pulled to the right shoulder as if she was going to park, but then suddenly made a U-turn in front of her husband. The husband was unable to stop and struck the wife’s driver’s door forcing her car into another parked car. The force of the impact disabled both of the family vehicles. The female driver was found to have been drinking and she was processed for DUI; charges are pending. The female driver was taken to the hospital for the treatment of possible neck and head injuries.
On Tuesday, 8-30-11 at 2:22 AM, an officer doing a routine check of a vehicle license at a store parking lot in the 6600 block of 220th found the car was stolen. A female returned to the car several moments later and started to drive away. The officer stopped the car and took the female into custody. The female told the officer a convoluted story about trading cars with another female at a drug house in Everett and that she had suspected that the car was stolen. The female driver was booked at the Snohomish County Jail for possession of a stolen vehicle.
During this last week an accreditation manager from the City of Renton Police Department spent a day going over our files as we prepare for the mock assessment on September 19, 2011.
On Friday, 8/5/2011, Code Enforcement received a request to check a vehicle parked on an unimproved grass surface on the front of a property located near the 22100 block of 52 Ave W. On 8/9/2011, a Code Enforcement Officer followed up and observed a late model pickup parked on an unimproved grass surface adjacent to the paved driveway. It was also noted that the pickup bed was filled with debris and trash. Code Enforcement sent a Notice of Violation for the following ordinance violations: 8.15.050.B.3 – All motor vehicles shall be parked on an improved surface anywhere on a property, or on a maintained surface per MTMC 19.125.070; and 8.15.040.I – Debris and trash accumulations of broken or neglected items, litter, salvage materials, and junk not in an approved enclosed structure, in the front, back, or side yards of the property. On 8/26/2011, the property was inspected; the pickup had been moved from the unimproved grass surface to the paved driveway. The debris from the pickup bed has been removed.
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