Mountlake Terrace City Council to vote on Regional Fire Authority plan Monday

The Mountlake Terrace City Council will vote Monday on whether to continue to be a part of the Regional Fire Authority (RFA) planning process to create a new fire protection district that encompasses much of south Snohomish County, or to drop out as an active participating entity.

The Regional Fire Protection Service Authority (RFPSA) Planning Committee had its first meeting on Tuesday, Mar. 29, 2011. Nine jurisdictions were represented initially: the cities of Brier, Edmonds, Lynnwood, Mill Creek, Mountlake Terrace, Mukilteo, Town of Woodway and Snohomish County Fire Districts 1 and 7. Among those who have chosen to withdraw from the planning process: The cities of Mukilteo, Mill Creek and Lynnwood, and Fire District 7 — although Fire District 7 might vote to re-enter the RFA in the future. The Edmonds City Council considers the issue on Tuesday, Feb. 5.

The RFPSA Planning Committee has set Wednesday, Feb. 6, as its deadline for local cities and fire districts to either commit to the process of forming a Regional Fire Authority or to drop out. “We want to know who is in and who is out,” said Mountlake Terrace City Manager John Caulfield. “We are going to get real here by Feb. 6, who’s at the table and who’s not at the table.”

The City of Mountlake Terrace currently contracts with Fire District 1 for fire protection service. By continuing with the planning process of a new regional fire district, the City would be a part of the governance of the district, officials said. If the city drops out of the planning process and the new fire district is formed anyway, the city would likely contract with it for its fire protection, but would have no say in how it is administered.

You can learn more about the proposed Regional Fire Authority here .

The Mountlake Terrace City Council vote on whether to continue with the RFPSA will take place at its regular meeting on Monday, Feb. 4, at 7 p.m. at the Mountlake Terrace Interim City Hall, 6100-219th St. S.W., Suite 220.

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