During its Thursday, March 21 meeting, the Mountlake Terrace City Council is scheduled to review the city’s year-end report with Police Chief Pete Caw and Commanders Mike Haynes and Scott King, among other items.
The 2023 year-end report will review department goals and analyze progress. Additionally, the report will present 2023 crime statistics, calls for service and traffic enforcement efforts.
Also scheduled for review and a council vote is the interlocal agreement with Sno911 to extend the facility’s use in Mountlake Terrace for five years, with an option to renew for an additional five years.
The interlocal agreement between the city and SNO911 expired on June 22, 2023. On June 21, 2023, a six-month extension – until December 22, 2023 – was approved for the existing agreement. Amendment 2 extended the lease for an additional three months, until March 22, 2024, to give officials time to finalize the terms of the interlocal agreement.
Presentation of the 2024 community events schedule by Recreation and Parks Director Jeff Betz and Events Coordinator Andrew Appelwick is also on the agenda.
In 2023, the city hired Appelwick as its new events coordinator, and the offerings grew with the addition of two outdoor movie nights. The event schedule is growing again, with expanded events for the coming year.
Finally, the city council is scheduled to deliver a proclamation declaring Women’s History Month.
The meeting will start at 7 p.m. on March 21 at Mountlake Terrace City Hall, 23204 58th Ave. W., Mountlake Terrace.
To attend the meeting online, visit zoom.us/join and enter meeting ID 810 1113 9518; no passcode is needed.
To make a public comment remotely, complete the registration form within 24 hours of the meeting’s start at cityofmlt.com/FormCenter/City-Council-17/Remote-Public-Comment-Request-Form-12.
To listen via telephone, call 1-253-215-8782 and enter the same meeting ID.
You also can view livestreamed meetings and past video recordings at www.youtube.com/cityofmlt.
The agenda can be viewed here.
— By Rick Sinnett
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