Mountake Terrace High School’s Students of the Month for January: Jacob Krieger and Morgan Arbuckle

Jacob Krieger
Jacob Krieger

Student’s Name: Jacob Krieger
Mother’s Name: Marilyn Walker
Father’s Name: James Cox
GPA: 3.76
Clubs & Activities: 2013 — present Musical Pit Orchestra; 2013 — present Dynamics Vocal Jazz Ensemble; 2011 — present Jazz Ensemble 1; 2011 — present Chamber Winds
Honors: 2012 Essentially Ellington Finalist; 2012 Essentially Ellington Outstanding Reed Section award
Awards: 2014 Directors Choice Award; 2014 Third Place in National Swing Central Competition; 2014 Newport Jazz Festival Most Outstanding Soloist Award; 2014 Silverwood Festival Outstanding Soloist award; 2014 Silverwood Festival Best in festival Soloist award; 2013 Jazz Ensemble 1 Most Improved.
Community Service: 2014 Summer Music School Student Leader; 2013 Pacific Sciences Center Summer Camp Student Leader
Current Employment: Private Music Instructor
Future Educational Goals: Jazz Studies Major
Future Career Goals: Professional Musician
Anything else we should know? My success in music and in life is both a result of my private teacher Peter Daniel and the MTHS music department. Peter has mentored me since sixth grade and has taught me so much. The choir director TJ Sullivan has encouraged me and helped me along my way. Last but certainly not least, Darin Faul has been one of the biggest influences in my life and has given me the life and musical knowledge that has allowed me to be successful in my craft. I would just like to thank these three men who have shaped me as a person.

Morgan Arbuckle
Morgan Arbuckle

Student Name: Morgan Arbuckle
Mother’s Name: Chris Arbuckle
Father’s Name: Rob Arbuckle
GPA: 3.7
Clubs & Activities: Project Unify and choir
ASB: Yes, cheer representative
Athletics: Cheer (captain), and track
Honors: AP Calculus; AP Goernment; CHS astronomy
Community Service: Volunteer with Special Olympics
Future Educational Goals: To attend Central Washington University

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