At 8:38 a.m., Fire District 1 units responded to a car-motorcycle collision at 220th St. SW and 66th Ave. W. The motorcyclist, a 25 year-old male in his 40’s, was transported by paramedics to Harborview Medical Center. His injuries are serious, but do not appear to be life-threatening. The driver of the car, a woman in her 20s, was transported by ambulance to Swedish/Edmonds with minor injuries.
Currently police have 220th St SW blocked off and are rerouting traffic.
This page will be updated as more details are released.
UPDATE 11/11 11:15am: Northbound on 66th and eastbound on 220th are still closed to traffic at the accident scene and traffic is being detoured.
UPDATE 11/11 11:45am: East bound 220th is closed across 66th, as is South bound access from westbound 220th. North bound 66th is also closed. Here are some photo taken by Mark Hopkins.
UPDATE 11/11 1:45pm: According to police, the car was travelling westbound on 220th and turning left on to 66th Ave W when it struck the motorcycle, which was travelling eastbound on 220th. Police are conducting a full investigation so traffic may be diverted for most of the afternoon.
We have also learned that the man on the motorcycle may be an employee of Premera, whose headquarters are very close to the scene of the accident.
UPDATE 11/11 2:30pm: The scene of the accident has been cleaned up and all the roads have been re-opened.
UPDATE 11/12 8:30am: The man who was driving the motorcycle is currently being monitored due to his injuries, which at this time are not believed to be life threating.
UPDATE 11/13:The police report of the incident says that two witnesses saw the BMW turn left in to the path of the oncoming motorcycle. The motorcycle driver said he had a green light. The BMW driver said that she started turning left and then broken glass was everywhere. She said she did not see the motorcycle. The motorcycle driver was transported to Harborview and the driver of the BMW was transported to Swedish.
UPDATE 11/14:The motorcycle driver is still at Harborview recovering from the accident. The brother of the driver gives us an update on the extent of his injuries:
Subarachnoid Hemorrhage to his brain, Hairline fracture to his right wrist, torn MCL/ACL in his right knee, possible ruptured artery in his leg as well, and he has a spot in his vision from the hemorrhage in his brain leading to his retina. Doctors expect him to make a full recovery, He definitely had god looking out for him that day.
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this was a bad one,,,saying a prayer for the motorcycle rider! Looks to me like the BMW turned left on green into oncoming traffic,,,but just a guess. Head on collison regardless….
Also, just a heads up on bus service. The 112 is on an emergency reroute. From Roger’s Market, instead of continuing on 230th and going across the 228th/230th overpass and then onto 66th, it is turning right onto 58th and then left down 220th. I can only assume it’s doing the same for the other way.
If that needs any clarification, they’re doing this:
my friends sis in the car, the other guy idk well, hope the 40yr old guy lives =)
It sounds like the car turned left in front of or into the motorcycle, which is the most common cause of motorcycle accidents. People in cars just don’t see motorcycles because we are all trained to look out for other cars. Please save yourself a lot of time and money and heartache and watch for motorcycles! Your dented fender could be some bikers leg or arm or life!
SRJ…I certainly hope your friends’ little sister makes a good decision to ride the bus from now on. She almost KILLED a man because she was either too careless or in too much of a hurry to slow down and ought to be forced to give up her license. At least until she goes to a driver’s training class and learns to YIELD to oncoming traffic. How can you not see a bright green motorcycle coming your way? I saw this accident shortly after it happened. I shed many tears for a person and his family that I had never met. Thankfully he had angels on his side and survived this horrid mess that was completely avoidable. I pray for his speedy recovery.
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Bottom line: Glad you’re okay, and that the rider is alive.
If you were in deed the driver I am sorry that you are having to go through this. This is why they are called accidents. Im sure it wasn’t your intention to hit someone on your way to where ever you were going that day. I am glad to hear that you are alright and hope that people go easy on you here on this site. You are brave to speak out. Don’t get down on yourself, I am sure you have learned a HUGE lesson from this. We all just thankful you are both alive and I will pray for you both!
I will second that…
it’s never anyones intention to get in to an accident. That doesn’t excuse careless driving. Your vehicle is a 4,000 pound weapon and you have to think about how you use it. At what point should someone “get down on themselves”?When someone is dead? Permanently disabled? Yeah I’m so glad the rider is alive as well, but I bet he’d rather not be in the hospital in pain and had a vehicle to go to work whenever he gets out of the hospital. WATCH FOR MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES! SLOW DOWN! The life you may save matters to someone, even if not you. Driving safe IS being nice.
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He’s in his 20’s, not his 40’s.
The Motorcyclist is 25, hes my brother. Still at Harbor view but on the mend. and Bing thats exactly what happened.
Thanks for the update, Bt019. Can you share what the extent of his injuries are?
Subaracnid Hemorrhage(excuse the spelling) to his brain, Hairline fracture to his right wrist, torn MCL/ACL in his right knee, possible ruptured artery in his leg as well, and he has a spot in his vision from the hemorrhage in his brain leading to his retina. Doctors expect him to make a full recovery, He definitely had god looking out for him that day.
how is your brother doing i did not see it but heard it i was in the building on the corner
I had the same bike as this guy and I am the same age…My father works w him at premiere insurance and told me about his accident…I too was in an accident in 2007 but it was a hit and run in same situation w the oncoming car not yielding to the green…needless to say I was very broken w many body breaks and was put outta work for over 9 months…the best thing for this guy is that his friends and family are there for him…I personally think that left turns should only be on a right away and the yield option should be removed and replaced w a green arrow…too many people are in a hurry to run a light anymore and well things can just go way wrong…I see it as waiting 3 minutes for the next light turn or possibly making it the last 3 minutes of your life…I hope both parties involved heal both emotionally and physically