Since we have so many new readers the past couple months I thought I would give a quick update on how things are going around here:
- Traffic to has grown significantly in the last month. We’re actually up 77% on the number of visits (3,761) and up 86% on the number of pageviews (9,113) from the previous month. On average, every time someone visits the site they spend just over 2 minutes on the site and visits 2.42 pages. This is pretty good when people generally read what they want on the internet and then move on. Additionally, we have around 65 people who are either subscribed to our RSS feed or via email and around 85 people who get our posts via our Fan Page on Facebook. �These may just be numbers to you but to me they represent people. People who have found a new way to get involved in and find out about things going on in their community
- We recently added a “Restaurants” section to the web site where you can rate Mountlake Terrace restaurants and leave a review in the comments. Right now we have a list of 21 MLT restaurants that you can rate. You can find the list (highest to lowest rate) by clicking on “Restaurants” above or following this link. Be sure to let us know if there are any restaurants that are missing from the list.
- We have six sponsors right now, three of who are city council candidates. MLTnews sponsors help pay for my hosting fees and other costs for running the web site. To be completely honest, my goal for this site was never to make money. If it was I would just fill the site up with a bunch of irrelevant ads and try to get you to click on them. My goal for having sponsors is to connect Mountlake Terrace residents with Mountlake Terrace businesses. I am a big proponent of spending your money in your community.
- If you are interested in connecting with readers of MLTnews, becoming a sponsor is extremely affordable. Right now it is only $20/month for an ad in our sidebar or $50/month for a large banner ad. Prices may slowly increase with increased readership�but�you can pay for up to 6 months on advance at the current rate. For more info, see our advertising page.
You can help grow the MLTnews community. Here are some ways:
- Tell someone you know about This may be your neighbor, your parents, your kids or coworkers.
- Use the “share” link at the bottom of posts you find interesting to share with your friends via Facebook, Twitter or email.
- Comment on stories that you find interesting. I want this site to be a conversation about the city and things going on in the city. The only way this can happen is with your input. You can comment as a guest or sign in with Facebook, Twitter or Disqus.
- Become a contributor. I would love to have more people from all over town start contributing stories to MLTnews. Email
- Send in your tips. Many stories on MLTnews are started from a news tip from MLTnews readers. If you see or hear about something happening in MLT, let us know.
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