Although the next vote concerning construction of a new Mountlake Terrace Civic Center isn’t for six months, supporters of the proposition aren’t wasting any time in organizing.
Last month the Mountlake Terrace City Council decided to begin the steps necessary for placement of a property tax bond measure on the April 23, 2013 ballot to raise funds for a new civic center. Members of the YES for MLT – Mountlake Terrace Civic Center Committee met on Oct. 3 and have scheduled another organizing meeting for Sunday, Oct. 21, 11 a.m. at the Nile Shriners Country Club, to discussing their plans for supporting the April bond measure.
“We need to get volunteer citizens to help with fundraising ideas, and to commit their time for this cause,” said Lindy Knapp Rogers, new Chairperson of the YES for MLT Committee. “We have some great ideas, but need help in carrying them out,” she added.
The YES for MLT Committee was active in its support of the previous $25 million bond issue for a new civic center that failed by about 125 votes last August. A $37.5 million civic center measure was rejected by voters in November 2010; there was no organized committee working in support of the measure during that election cycle.
Rogers isn’t sure how many may attend this Sunday’s meeting; “I sent out over 200 e-mails inviting folks to attend,” she said. “We’ll see who actually wants to support the MLT Civic Center.”
Those interested in attending this Sunday’s meeting are encourage to RSVP via the committee’s Facebook page at
Stop the madness. Why can’t these people get it into their heads that “No Means No”. Quit wasting our time and money and let it go.
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Good to see others out there working towards a better Mountlake Terrace rather than accept the status quo. I’m support this proposition!