Mountlake Terrace Mayor Jerry Smith, wife Judi and several volunteers gathered Saturday morning to start preparing the 840 pounds of crab that will serve as the centerpiece for Sunday afternoon’s crab feed, stand-up comedy and silent auction benefiting the Mountlake Terrace Senior Center.
Mayor Smith said that while 300 tickets have been sold, a few remain on a first-come, first-served basis for the event, set for 3-6 p.m. in the grand ballroom of the Nile Country Club, 6601-244th Street SW, in Mountlake Terrace.
Kermit Apio, a nationally known comic who lives in Mountlake Terrace, is the headliner for the event, which features a prime rib and all-you-can-eat crab dinner, live music, door prizes and a silent auction. Tickets are $25 for adults, $20 for MLT Senior Center members and $15 for children. For more information, call 425-672-2407 or 425-218-5996.
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