Among the items that the Mountlake Terrace City Council is scheduled to consider at its Monday, May 6 business meeting is an ordinance approving creation of a Mountlake Terrace Salary Commission to set salaries and benefits of city elected officials.
Mountlake Terrace councilmembers currently receive $800 per month, plus reimbursement of expenses for city business. Unlike some comparable cities, councilmembers do not receive health benefits. The mayor receives an additional $200 monthly.
The ordinance being considered May 6 would direct a salary commission be convened every five years to review salaries of the mayor and city council members. The ordinance specifies length of appointments and terms of commission members plus qualifications and duties of individuals seeking to serve as a salary commissioner.
The council is also scheduled to approve a contract with the Transpo Group USA, Inc. not to exceed $63,685 to create and maintain an Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Self-Assessment and Transition Plan. The goal is to ensure that people with disabilities are provided equitable access and mobility along the city’s right-of-way. This item is on the consent agenda as it was discussed briefly during the council’s May 2 work/study session. City Engineer Jesse Birchman noted that this work will focus the pedestrian access in the public right of way, including sidewalks, curb ramps, crosswalks, driveway crossings, pedestrian path hazards and all intersections. The consultant’s work product will include an inventory of all items that limit the mobility and accessibility of those with disabilities, as well as options for removing mobility barriers.
Other items on the council agenda include:
— Review of an amendment to the professional services agreement with ARC Architects, Inc. to cover the cost of architectural and engineering design services for the Town Center Park Plaza.
– Swearing in of MLT Police Sergeant Brian Moss
– Proclamation for 50th Anniversary of Municipal Clerks’ Week (May 5-11)
– Approval of a construction agreement with Sound Transit for extra work on the Main Street Project.
– A presentation on the city’s website redesign.
The meeting will begin at 7 p.m. in Mountlake City Council Hall, 6100 219th St. S.W., 2nd Ffoor. You can see the complete agenda here.
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