MLT City Council approves 2013-14 budget

By Doug Petrowski

After more than two months of study, the 2013-2014 Biennial Budget for the City of Mountlake Terrace was adopted by the City Council unanimously earlier in the week.

The budget calls for little change in the city government operations, with no layoffs of employees and no cuts in city services. Combined operating, utility and capital spending is set at $49.1 million in 2013 and $48 million in 2014.

The council has been reviewing the city’s financial forecast and budget plans for the next two years since mid-September.

The council also gave its okay to a 1 percent increase in the city’s portion of the property tax for 2013, along with the 2013-2018 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP); both passed unanimously.

Council member Bryan Wahl was especially delighted with the passage of the TIP. “I’m really pleased that we are moving forward with the Transportation Improvement Plan because it is such a critical piece to implementing the Comprehensive Plan and fulfilling the goals of our community,” he said. “It also facilitates and lays the groundwork for economic development, our economic vitality and economic growth.”

The TIP is part of a package of amendments to the city’s Comprehensive Plan that will be considered for adoption at the Dec. 3 city council meeting. Other proposed amendments include a six-year Capital Improvement Plan update, a policy for reducing greenhouse gases, the addition of two bicycle routes, and an appendix for the Transportation Demand Strategy.

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