Dear editor:
I strongly support the two upcoming school funding measures, Propositions 1 and 2.
First, these measures fill critical gaps in funding. The state is currently not mandated to fund the construction or renovation of schools. Regretfully, school districts in Washington state must ask local voters to pay for these sizable costs.
Second, with several outdated buildings from the 1950s and 60s, the Edmonds School District’s need to replace these schools is urgent. We know there is a strong correlation between modern schools and improved student attendance, test scores, and morale – both of students and teachers. We also know that modern schools attract and retain students and families. And finally, we know that middle schoolers, starting in the 6th grade, need exposure and access to 21st century science labs and technology to acquire the knowledge and skills to be successful in tomorrow’s world. If you attended the recent tour of antiquated College Place Middle School, you know that our students deserve better!
The Edmonds School District community has a proud history of supporting its schools. It speaks powerfully to the shared values of our residents – residents who know that strong public schools build strong communities and are vital to the future success of our economy. Our investment in them today pays dividends for tomorrow.
Those are just some of the reasons why I strongly support Propositions 1 and 2. I hope you will join me in voting yes to approve both measures on Feb. 13.
Marko Liias
Washington State Senator – 21st Legislative District
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