Voters in the Edmonds School District will soon be receiving ballots with a Capital Levy proposal to maintain a steady, local education tax rate over the next six years. I hope you will join me with an enthusiastic “yes” vote!
We have all seen our southwest Snohomish County region continue to grow, even through the pandemic. Ensuring our school buildings and facilities are safe, maintained, and upgraded to meet the evolving needs of our communities must be a top priority. These levy funds are only available for capital improvements including addressing building capacity issues in response to overcrowding. They cannot be used for staff salaries.
Far beyond the vital function of education, this last year has underscored stronger than ever the roles our local public schools fill as a backbone for social development, athletics, and basic life necessities like daily nutrition and family support.
As many community members may be sending their students back to buildings, we need to set up our school facilities, our children and our communities for success. Please support the Edmonds School District’s 2021 Capital Levy this April to make long-term improvements to our public schools.
More detailed information is available at edmonds.wednet.edu.
Luke Distelhorst
Edmonds School District parent
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