Legislative District 21, Position 1

Today we continue to look at the candidates that are on the August 17 primary ballot. Below are the candidates for state legislative district 21, position 1.

Ed Borey

(Prefers Republican Party)

Elected Experience:
Career businessman compelled to action by out of control spending. Ed is a family man. He has been married to Susan for 35 years. They have four children and 4 grandchildren. They are members of Mary Magdalen Parrish.

Other Professional Experience:
Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and Chief Operating Officer highlight a 35 year career of executive positions in General Management, Product Development, Marketing and Finance. Ed built a career turning around and growing distressed companies.

Bachelors, Political Science; Masters, Public Administration; Masters, Business Administration

Community Service:
Former Snohomish County Trustee, YMCA; current Board Member of the National Association of Corporate Directors

Ready to lead, ready to govern, Ed is endorsed by Rob McKenna, Dino Rossi, House and Senate minority leadership and Mukilteo Mayor Joe Marine. Washington State is in financial crisis. I will fight to rein in out of control spending, establish pay as you go and priorities of government spending controls, and limit taxes. With a 10% unemployment rate, anti business environment and  high school dropout rate of 30%, I will fight for a business environment that creates jobs and an education system that prepares our children for jobs of the future. I would be honored to have your vote.

For more information:

Mary Helen Roberts

(Prefers Democratic Party)

Elected Experience:
Three-term State Representative for the 21st district.

Other Professional Experience:
Previously owned a small business, worked for a non-profit agency serving mothers with new babies, and was co-founder and Chair of the Children’s Campaign Fund. She was also a consultant on land use and transportation issues.

Attended Oregon State University; UCLA graduate

Community Service:
Mary Helen has lived in the 21st District for 30 years and raised her two daughters here. She chairs the Keeping Babies Safe task force, has served on the United Way board and been an active volunteer in her church, community and at her children’s schools.

A strong and effective voice for our community, Mary Helen represents our values in the legislature:  Investing in schools; supporting small business; bringing new family wage jobs to our area; improving transportation; keeping our communities safe; and protecting the environment, especially Puget Sound.

Mary Helen is a recognized leader in education, children’s issues, and job training.  She served as a Trustee for Edmonds Community College, supporting the Center for Families and innovative educational and employment programs.  Mary Helen has the commitment, energy and experience to get things done for our kids, for our schools, for all of us.

For more information:

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