Ideas Shared for Firefighters Memorial Park Conceptual Plan

On March 24, 20 local residents attended a meeting to discuss ideas on potential park improvements and amenities that the community would like to see included in a conceptual plan for Firefighters Memorial Park.

Firefighters Memorial Park, located behind the former Fire Station 18, is a quiet, .41-acre park, located on the eastern portion of Mountlake Terrace on 228th St. SW & 39th Ave. W. With the relocation of Fire Station 18, the city is looking for community input on the future of Firefighters Memorial Park including park expansion opportunities.
Hosted by the Recreation and Parks Advisory Commission (RPAC) and Neighborhood Park Improvement Subcommittee (NPIS), Recreation and Parks Director, Don Sarcletti, Parks and Property Management Superintendent, Ken Courtmanch were also in attendance to help facilitate the meeting.

Ideas that emerged from the meeting included maintaining the “Firefighters” theme, adding a hard surface trail around the perimeter of the park, installing security lighting, relocating and improving the existing playground area with newer equipment including spray features, adding picnics areas, gazebo, bicycle rack and restroom facilities. Participants also discussed adding tables, benches, and designating a section of the park for native plants, pea patch and incorporating a serenity garden near the existing firefighter’s memorial.

RPAC will discuss potential park improvements for Firefighters Memorial Park at their next regular scheduled meeting on Tuesday April 12, 7:00 p.m. at the Recreation Pavilion.

  1. Seriously,Great idea but with a down economy do we need this expense? when are you feelgood dogooder’s going to get it!!! spend spend spend…Idiots.

  2. The idea is to have a plan so if and when funding becomes available we know what the locals that
    use the park would like. That’s why we have these public meetings to see what people would
    like to do with the park. RPAC and NPIS did the same thing for Bicentenial park last fall and
    we got some great input from neighbors to make it safer and have more uses.

  3. Please do not complain about spending because of the economy, I still see people buying epic amounts of soda so truth is its not that bad. Food for thought. Pop >community parks?

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