In early January, I posted a column (Here’s to a new decade and the end of a one-sided relationship) outlining why it was critical for our readers to support us financially — so that we can continue to bring you trusted and timely news coverage of our communities. The response was overwhelmingly positive, and I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Now it’s time for a reminder: If you haven’t yet signed up to support our work, it’s quick, easy and secure at this link. It helps us pay for the writing, editing, photography, web hosting and tech support that keep our websites running 24/7.
And I have an incentive for those who respond: A chance to win a pair of tickets to the Beatles vs. Stones – A Musical Showdown performance coming to the Edmonds Center for the Arts on Sunday, Feb. 23.
I have four pairs of tickets to give away, and they will go to the first four readers who sign up at the Advocate level of $10 per month here. (Of course, you can also sign up for a higher level if you prefer.)
The show begins at 7 p.m. Feb. 23 at the Edmonds Center for the Arts. The Fab Four is represented by tribute band Abbey Road, who will engage in a barrage of hits against Rolling Stones tribute band Satisfaction. You can read more about the show — including how it involves local high school musicians — in our earlier story.
Thanks as always for Until next time,
Teresa Wippel, Publisher
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