Free Computer Classes at the MLT Library


This from the Mountlake Terrace Library:

Have you been wanting to get onto the Information Highway, but didn’t know how?

Have you been having difficulty filling out those online job applications, because you don’t feel comfortable with a mouse?

In these difficult economic times, we are seeing more and more community members coming to the library needing help with their computer skills.

So the Mountlake Terrace Library is happy to once again offer its popular series of computer classes for the very beginner. Class size is small, so students get personal attention, and it’s a nonjudgmental atmosphere where you will feel safe asking questions. Hey, we were all beginners once.

Computer Basics” teaches basic mouse skills and navigation on the computer screen – scrolling up and down, clicking and dragging with the mouse, using drop down menus, exiting programs, etc.

Internet Basics” teaches the three ways to find what you need on the Internet.

Instructors share lots of tips and tricks during the classes and are there to answer questions about individual computer problems.

Pre-registration is required. Call or visit the library to sign up. All classes take place before the library opens and begin at 8:15am.

Class Schedule

Computer Basics

Sept. 12, Sept. 26, Oct. 10, Nov. 7, Dec. 5

Internet Basics

Sept. 15, Sept. 29, Oct. 13, Oct. 17, Nov. 10, Dec. 15, Dec. 19

And if you need help setting up a free email account, make an appointment with a librarian at the library for one on one help.

[image courtesy Divine Harvester]

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