Regular commuters of Locust Way along the east boundary of Brier are being advised of an upcoming four-week construction project that will necessitate single lane closures in a two-block stretch of the roadway starting June 20.
The single lane closure of Locust Way between 226th Place SW and 228th Street SW will run from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. until July 15 in order for work crews to relocate a gas main and replace the guardrails of a bridge that spans Swamp Creek.
An average of 6,655 vehicles per day use that stretch of Locust Way that connects Kenmore to the south with Poplar Way and Larch Way in Brier and unincorporated Snohomish County.
–Story and photos by Doug Petrowski
Snohomish County Public Works also wanted to advise drivers of Locust Way south of this 226th Place SW to 228th Street SW project that the roadway will be completely closed to all vehicles, bicycles and pedestrians between 231st Street SW and Barker Road in unincorporated Snohomish County between June 20 and a yet-to-be-determined date in October. Work crews will be completely replacing a bridge originally built in 1936; the new bridge will be lengthened from 41 to 70 feet and more than doubled in width. Detours from Locust Way to Carter Road and 14th Avenue West will be in place during the road closure.
I just came by the gun range on 228th and took a left onto locust. I abruptly found out the road is closed ,and there is no detour signs in place yet! there is a constant stream of cars turning around on a short, dead end neighborhood street.