Final hearing on I-405/SR 167 tolling changes set for Jan. 29

Interstate 405 Express Toll Lane. (Photo courtesy Washington State Department of Transportation)

The Washington State Transportation Commission will hold a virtual public hearing on Monday, Jan. 29, on its proposal to adjust the minimum and maximum toll rates and expand the hours of operation on the I-405 express toll lanes and the State Route 167 high occupancy toll lanes.

If approved, the new rates are planned to go into effect on March 1, according to a news release from the Washington State Department of Transportation.

The proposal would raise the minimum rate toll rate on the SR 167 high occupancy toll lanes from 50 cents to $1 and the maximum toll rate from $9 to $15. It would raise the minimum toll rate on the I-405 express lanes from 75 cents to $1 and the maximum toll rate from $10 to $15. Tolling hours of operation for both facilities would be extended by one hour, from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m.

The hearing will begin at 9 a.m., and the commission is expected to vote on the proposal during the meeting. Public testimony will be accepted before action is taken. Those wishing to attend or testify at the hearing must register via Zoom on the commission’s website. The meeting will also be streamed live on TVW.

The commission will offer online viewing accommodation in its office building at 2404 Chandler Court Southwest in Olympia. Free, temporary internet access is available to those who do not have broadband service in locations throughout the state.

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The toll rate proposal follows a request from the Legislature for the commission to consider increasing toll rates to help address funding gaps in construction costs for planned improvements to the I-405 and SR 167 corridors.

The proposal also aims to increase the performance of the tolled lanes so that they better meet the goal in state law to maintain speeds of 45 mph at least 90 percent of the time during peak hours.

For more information about the toll rate proposal or to view the meeting agenda, visit the commission’s website at

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