ESD form asks families for feedback on 2020-21 learning plans

Ahead of the first day of school on Sept. 9, the Edmonds School District is asking families to provide feedback on learning plans for their students for the 2020-21 school year.

District leaders announced last month its plans to begin the school year by teaching students remotely using its Continuous Learning 2.0 model. The Student Intent Form will allow district staff to plan how to assign students and teaching staff by avoiding major disruption while transitioning back to in-person learning.

According to staff, the earliest students could return to in-person learning — contingent on the advice from public health officials — would be November.

The deadline for completing the form is Wednesday, Aug. 19.

Some families remain uncertain if they will send their students to school for in-person learning this school year, but they will have an opportunity to change their minds. Families are asked to give the best answer they have at the time of the form.

There are still many details to be finalized, but staff have set the following goals for the fully remote option that will happen as other families are opting for in-person learning:

  • Students’ instructional program will match the Continuous Learning 2.0 model; the schedule, time allocations and expectations would, to the degree possible, remain the same.
  • Students remain enrolled in their assigned school.
  • Students remain in their current program. This includes International Baccalaureate (IB), Highly Capable and Advanced Placement (AP).

Earlier in the summer, the district shared plans for in-person learning under the Hybrid Model AA/BB. For more information about the hybrid learning model, visit the district website.

  1. The student intent form was not for feedback. It was only a checkbox to say “would like in-person” or “would remain Continuous Learning 2.0” for November…

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