Election Watch 2015: Seaun Richards, candidate for Mountlake Terrace City Council Position 7

The ballots for the Nov. 6 General Election were mailed last week and voters should have received them. As part of our Election Watch 2015 coverage, MLTNews will be reposting candidate statements and videos and also will be publishing a Q&A with the candidates.

Seaun Richards
Seaun Richards

Candidate Name: Seaun Richards

Campaign Phone: 425.218.5996

Email: eat@redonionburgers.com

Seaun Richards is optimistic about the future of Mountlake Terrace. In a region where local cities receive more than a mention, Mountlake Terrace is fast becoming the transportation hub of South Snohomish County that will include a Light Rail Station.

Mountlake Terrace is in the crossroads with our residents looking for safer streets, housing alternatives and leadership. It is said you can look for a leader in a time of difficulty or a time of prosperity. Seaun Richards is committed to the needs of Mountlake Terrace and its citizens. Seaun is also committed to the council goals of protecting the cities financial health, generating economic development, Main Street re-vitalization, addressing the Cities aging infrastructure and implementing a Civic Center Plan.

Seaun Richards Accomplishments:

As past president of the Mountlake Terrace Senior Center executed an agreement with the City of Mountlake Terrace and the Mountlake Terrace Senior Center that moved the Senior Center from an 850 square foot building to a 6,500 and fostered a grant with Verdant that contributed to a remodel for the new Senior Center.

Helped the City of Mountlake Terrace obtaining $12 million in grants — locally and regionally as well as lobbied on your behalf in Mountlake Terrace.

Seaun Richards is

  •  the owner and operator of Red Onion Burgers,
  •  President of Cheeseburger Babies Foundation
  •  Mountlake Terrace Business Assoc. Board member
  •  Snohomish County Health Dept. Board Member

Seaun Richards would appreciate your continued support and ask for your vote.

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