Editor’s note: This is an installment in a series of questions and answers with candidates who will appear on the Aug. 5 primary election ballot
2727 Colby Ave
Everett, WA 98201
(425) 610â€9601
Prefers: Independent Party
I have been an elected Union Shop and Union Local Officer. I worked as detox staff and outpatient caseworker at Evergreen Manor chemical dependency facility and staff at The Cocoon House facility working with Homeless teens and administering the network over several locations. I am currently one of the owners of The Firewheel Community Coffeehouse in Everett. I ran meetings in the VA and other Hospitals for those with chemical addiction issues and volunteered in the point-in-time homeless count.
Q: If elected, what is your top priority?
Constitutional Amendment declaring that corporations are not people, overturning citizens united and passing legislation that provides for fair Federal level $15/hr. minimum wage Scrape or rewrite our Free trade agreements Progressive tax that eases the unequal burden on the working poor, removes unnecessary subsidies tax breaks for the wealthy and large corporations that now pay little or no taxes. Energy program that will transition our country off of fossil fuels by providing funding that encourages investments into green energy research, solutions, and implementation. Single payer health care and incentives that bring living wage union Jobs back to America.
Q: What motivated you to run for this position? What do you want to see change?
The Occupy Movement (I was in Occupy Everett) showed me that our political differences are not as great as we have been led to believe. Those we keep electing want us to believe that they are the only hope available to keep the “other side” from winning. First off winning should not be the goal. Good governance should be the goal. Secondly, I grew tired of hearing them say that they have to take the corporate money but really represent us, the people. No! If you take corporate money you represent corporations. And it shows by the laws being passed that benefit only the wealthy at the expense of the working poor.
The people no longer have a democracy, only an illusion of a democracy. No change for the better will come until people who will represent the citizens, acting in their best interest and the interest of our community, step forward. I am willing to fill that need and encourage others to do the same. Common concerned people must run for office and as the people we must also step forward to stand with them and act in the best interest of our nation. The two-party system has failed. It is time for the people to act. Together We Win!
Q: Why do you think you are the best candidate for this position?
I have fought for workers and challenged our government’s actions detrimental to the best interest of the American people since I was 18 years old. I am committed to fixing our political system so the focus is on the needs and desires of the majority, not the greed and selfishness of the minority. I am not in this for a career or to feather my nest. I am running to represent my fellow citizens. I have spoken on legislation as a union representative and negotiated contracts, understanding the necessity of negotiating in good faith to achieve an acceptable outcome. But I also will never concede any of the rights afforded the people of the United States and will fight to regain those rights given away by those former elected officials who have failed in their civic duty. I see clearly that our Republic is at risk and no one is as determined and committed to strengthening our Republic and serve in the best interest of the American people, as I am.
Q: How can people contact you if they want more information?
Voicemail: 425-610-9601
PO Box 326
Everett, WA 98206
(425) 259â€1866
Prefers: Democratic Party
I was born and raised here in Northwest Washington. My family has called this region home for over 100 years. My parents were an important influence on me, encouraging me to be involved in my local community. Their encouragement continues to be a motivation for my service to our communities. Prior to working as a public official I was employed by the Port of Everett and the Washington State Dental Association. I’ve served on the Snohomish County Council and it is my privilege to currently serve as the Representative for Washington’s 2nd Congressional District.
Q: If elected, what is your top priority? 

My number one priority is getting the economy moving and creating jobs in the Pacific Northwest. We need a jobs plan that will grow our workforce, rebuild our infrastructure, and help our manufacturers export their products overseas.
The best way to create jobs in Snohomish County and across the country is through robust transportation investments that put local people back to work building and repairing our roads, bridges, highways and transit systems. Transportation investments create jobs.
You and I know this investment is about safety as well. We saw up close what happens when our infrastructure fails when the I-5 bridge collapsed into the Skagit River. We can’t keep waiting until they crumble into the water below. We need investment for jobs and safety now.
Q: What motivated you to run for this position? What do you want to see change?
Growing up in Arlington, I learned the values of community, service and commitment.
These same values guide my work today. That’s why I’m fighting to raise the federal minimum wage, combat income inequality, create jobs in our community, and fix our broken immigration system.
Income inequality has been called the defining challenge of our time. We need to rise to this challenge and help those seeking to break into the middle class. I’ll work hard in Congress to increase the national minimum wage and tie future increases to inflation.
I’m also working to put people back to work. The best way to create jobs is to invest in our transportation systems. Building and repairing our roads, bridges and highways will immediately create jobs and grow our economy.
And I’m committed to expanding opportunities for everyone to participate in our democracy and society. We must reform America’s broken immigration laws by establishing a clear pathway to citizenship, destroy any barrier that prevents people who are registered to vote from exercising that right, extend unemployment benefits to the long-term unemployed, and support efforts that ensure marriage equality exists in every state.
It won’t be easy, but I’m up for the challenge.
Q: Why do you think you are the best candidate for this position?
I’ve worked hard for the 2nd District and believe I’m the best candidate for the job. But you don’t have to take my word for it. Here is what others have to say about my qualifications.
The Seattle Times said “voters in the 2nd District have only one credible choice, U.S. Rep. Rick Larsen… He has worked hard on legislation that loops back to support jobs in his district and the state… Larsen is a strong advocate for the Export-Import Bank, a renewed federal highway trust fund, and smart investments in U.S. Coast Guard capabilities in the Arctic.”
The Progressive Voters Guide said “Rick Larsen is a moderate, pragmatic Democrat who has been a strong advocate for jobs, transportation, and infrastructure projects in the 2nd District … He has also led efforts to protect voting rights, fought to reform student loans, and has been a champion of Wall Street reform… Larsen’s experience, broad support, and generally progressive track record make him a good choice in this race.”
Q: How can people contact you if they want more information?
You can find more information about my campaign on my website: RickLarsen.org, and by following me on Facebook and Twitter.
You can reach out to my campaign by either emailing me at Rick@RickLarsen.org or by calling my campaign office at 425-259-1866.
PO Box 359
Marysville, WA 98270
(425) 322â€4610
Prefers: Republican Party
I was appointed to the City of Marysville Library Board in 2013 and Board members voted me in as Chair of Marysville Library Board in 2014. Currently working for a company that provides Public Safety software solutions (EMS, Fire, and 9-1-1) to municipalities. I have a B.S. in Computer Science and Mathematics.
Q: If elected, what is your top priority? 

There are several priorities. Illegal immigration must be addressed by securing the border and enforcing existing immigration laws Legal immigrants should be commended for their dedication and hard work performed to enter the country legally and becoming a citizen through the proper channels, but amnesty for illegal immigrants is not an option.
All troops deployed in Afghanistan should be brought home now, and we should not be deploying troops to other combat areas. The US should not be involving itself in any conflicts unless our homeland or military bases are attacked. The original response to 9/11 was justified, but as soon as Osama Bin Laden was captured, the operation should have ended then. To be clear, I am not proposing we close military bases out of the country. We still need a strong military with a presence at our bases around the globe to protect us in the event that we are attacked. We need to be a lot smarter about when it is appropriate to deploy troops.
Spending is out of control, and the National Debt is $17.6 trillion. A plan must be implemented to balance the budget in a reasonable and responsible manner.
Q: What motivated you to run for this position? What do you want to see change?
The original motivation to run was largely because of the information that came out regarding the NSA’s program of spying on American citizens. I find it completely unacceptable that our phone calls and related metadata were being intercepted, our web traffic monitored, and our emails scanned. That is far and away above the power that the government should have and it must be stopped immediately. Our rights to privacy must be restored. We can no longer use 9/11 as an excuse for daily violations of our Constitutional rights. The USA Patriot act should be terminated as well.
Q: Why do you think you are the best candidate for this position?
The “Do-Nothing Congress” is deadlocked. It’s very rare to see bipartisan agreements due to the “us versus them” mentality. These squabbles are preventing the government from performing its prime duties. We the People are not being served by the current set of incumbent representatives, nor are the incumbents listening to what the people want. It’s time to reboot Congress.
I have worked in professional environments of all sizes from very small Internet startups to large multinational corporations in roles as varied as software developer, team leader, Vice President and Chief Information Officer. In these roles, I’m had a great deal of experience with doing work, delegating work, ensuring work gets done, as well as talking to people to settle issues and work up compromises by doing consensus building. The most important thing is to listen to what people have to say. If you listen and can think critically, everything else comes naturally. Anyone can do that if you work hard. You don’t have to be a politician.
Q: How can people contact you if they want more information?
I welcome people to contact me if they have any questions.
Email: info@vote4bj.com
Website: https://www.vote4bj.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vote4bj
Phone: 425-322-4610
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