The Edmonds School District is hosting an Inclusion Alliance Summit — aimed at bringing the LBGTQ community together “to share stories, resources and celebrate” — from 4-9 p.m. Friday, June 21.
There will be several speakers and resources for students, teachers, staff, parents, allies and community members. Food will also be provided. Everyone is welcome.
The event will be at the Edmonds School District administration building, 20420 68th Ave. W., Lynnwood.
Why do we need to bring the LBGTQ community together with a special summit? If this was truly about inclusion then it would not be catering to one specific group but to everyone. If people want community they don’t need a special “summit” to attain that goal. Be part of your neighborhood, church, volunteer, etc. All these special interest groups only atomize society instead of bringing people together.
It must be Friday, Linda is flag waving her bigotry again.
Why is it that you resort to name calling just because you don’t like my view point? Nothing in my statement is malicious, I am stating facts but I now that some people deal in feelings not facts. I am entitled to my opinion/viewpoint just as you are entitled to yours. Name calling or worse is childish and immature. Allow others the freedom to state their opinion without vindictiveness.
Linda, this comment, like your past comments, prove my point. Pointing out your bias and bigotry is not equal to calling you names. You show an appealing lack of compassion for people unlike yourself.
Your last comment also proves my point that you don’t like different viewpoints other than your own. I simply made an observation and commented on it. You did not like it so you went on the attack by name calling and character analysis. Stating facts does not equal bias and bigotry, etc. As I said earlier I am entitled to my opinion/viewpoint as you are yours. End of discussion.