Edmonds School District High School Students of Month for December 2023, January 2024

Scriber Lake High

Sage Wansley 

Sage is a wonderful community member here at SLHS. Sage has aspirations to become a chef, She will be attending a culinary arts program after graduation. She enjoys cooking for her friends and family. Sage is hardworking and dedicated to our schools community.

Edmonds eLearning Academy

Angelyna Peraza

Being selected for Student of the Month is such an honor. I am thankful for my Mom who is always right by my side pushing me to reach my full potential. I am also thankful for my teachers’ guidance and support through my academic journey. Everything that I put my mind and hands on I strive to be the best at. In my studies I am an overachiever. In my hockey career I strive to get better and stronger.
– Angelyna Peraza

Edmonds-Woodway High

Kincaid Sund

Some of my academic accomplishments include being a full IB student. I am also the Vice-President of the senior class and am going on my second year of heavy involvement with student leadership. I am passionate about business and compete in DECA while also serving as the VP of competitions to the club. I believe in helping every one achieve success by making resources and fun available to every student, and as a result my leadership has allowed me to stand out.

LJ Schoenbeck-Smelko

Hello, My name is LJ Schoenbeck-Smelko. I’m Deaf and am part of Deaf Academic Bowl (DAB). These competitions involve quick-thinking teamwork on quizzes that cover a wide range of general knowledge categories. We go against other deaf high schools in regional and national events. Being able to go to Sno-Isle’s Animation class this year has been thrilling and exciting. I applied for the NTID/RIT, which is a program that is open for Deaf and Hard of hearing for students that are interested in the arts. I joined wrestling in 2021-2022. My mindset became stronger while bonding with others and making a great team. If it weren’t for Edmonds-Woodway, I wouldn’t have thrived this far and receive lots of recognition. After graduation I will continue on to grow and have many more amazing experiences.

Meadowdale High

Grace Lunsford

Academics has been very important to me from a young age, so I am very honored to be nominated for student of the month. Meadowdale has played a big role in my growth over the years. Being involved in sports, clubs, and academics is something I pride myself on. For the past four years I have been on the girls varsity soccer team. I have also been a link leader for three years, two of them being a link coordinator. Both soccer and Link have pushed me out of my comfort zone and helped me become a strong leader. I learned ways to encourage and help others. I am also a part of the National Honors Society. I am grateful for Meadowdale and all the information I have learned here, both academically and personally.

Caleb Waddel

Mountlake Terrace High

Zaveon Jones

I think why I won this award, student of the month, is because I have been trying my best every day. I like to help people. This is my last year because I am a senior, and I want to make sure that I am doing the best in my classes that I can. I have been getting to all of my classes on time and ready to start the day. I also do extra curriculums like basketball where I try to be a leader on the team. I am always trying to be the best person that I can be.

Linnea Bainbridge

I listen very well at school. I pay attention to the schedule and try to be on time. I attend Little Bit Therapeutic Riding Center on Wednesdays with my horse Lena. I try to get exercises going on Walking Class with Coach Weber. I try to get all my homework done for Ms. Wollan’s Earth and Space Science. I like being a senior at Mountlake Terrace High School.

Lynnwood High

Gavin Harrington

I was selected as student of the month due to my academic history and my participation in school events. I currently have a 3.98 GPA throughout high school and have been an active participant in my leadership class for two years now. Leadership has allowed me to branch out and get involved in my community. As a class we plan dances, assemblies and we are even hosting an all Wesco Interhigh in February. I believe I was nominated for this award due to my kindness to others, my willingness to learn, and my overall commitment to my studies. I’d like to thank all my teachers as they motivate me to do my best in everything I take part in and have supported me through it all.

Emily Lane

I believe I was selected for student of the month because I am an academically hard working student-athlete. I put in a lot of time and effort into all my classes and I participate in 3 extracurricular sports. I am one of this year/s cheer captains and a 4-year returner. Being a part of cheer has taught me to go outside my comfort zone and bring everyone in together to feel like a team. Cheer partakes in lots of district wide events and goes to all of the home games at LHS, demonstrating incredible spirit year long. I have a 3.9 GPA throughout all of my high school career and have been in honor roll for the past years. I’d like to give thanks to all my teachers for recognizing my hard work I’ve put in!

Edmonds Heights K12

Ilze Riekstiņš

I am president of our school’s thespian troupe and a national qualifier for solo musical theater work. I help put on an event every month to raise money for field trips and competitions. I am deeply involved in the theater program at my school and always volunteer to help out! I love participating in and planning events for our community. I am also actively involved in my cultural community as a Latvian American and participate in events throughout the year.

Ruby Heidner

I’m a dedicated learner and I always try my best to be friendly with my teachers. I’m not ashamed to ask for help when I need it. If there’s a study lab, you bet I’ll be there. Once I have helped myself, I always am willing to help a friend out with their homework. I have always taken interest in leadership. I have been a part of ASB for multiple years now. I have been a member of the Snohomish 4H dog program for 10 years and in that time I have had many leadership roles.

Mountlake Terrace High

Ashton LeBlanc

I worked hard the first three years of my high school experience so I could have a small schedule for my senior year. Currently, I take ASL IV in person, and senior history online. As of now, I am studying how to be an EMT for a HOSA competition, but I also hope to become a part-time EMT as I complete my first two years of college to become an RN. I recommend taking extra classes during the summer to get ahead academically or make up credits because I love having only two classes. I also love the freedom of choosing what classes I want to take because my schedule isn’t filled up with all required subjects. ASL is by far my favorite class and I have my wonderful teacher, Dr. Merri Pearson, to thank. Additional thanks to staff members Ms. Tribecca Brazil, Ms. Grambush, Ms. Widrig, Ms. Gwen, Mz. Lee, and Mr. Schaeffer. Finally, thank you to my friends and peers who helped me survive the past four years. High school was made possible by an amazing support system.

Griffin Potter

I am a 4 year varsity Letterman for our baseball team here at Terrace. Recently I have decided to play baseball at Shoreline Community College next year then transfer to a state school to get a masters in sports business. In the past year I did lead a dog and cat food drive for P.A.W.S. Lynnwood as my eagle project. Looking towards the rest of my senior year, the baseball team and I are looking for Mountlake Terraces’s first state championship and I believe coach Sells and the rest of our seniors can take us there.

Meadowdale High

Audrey Broderhausen

Being nominated for Student of the Month is an honor, thank you! At school I’m involved in many activities: ASB class senator, Link coordinator, member and captain of the girls swim team, National Honor Society, and I’ve taken honors and AP classes. I enjoy taking leadership roles and helping serve my school community. I also teach swim lessons at McDonald Swim School. I plan to attend a 4 year university next year and major in communications.

Daphne Koetje

It is an honor to be selected as Student of the Month for January. Junior year has been tough, but I have also enjoyed the challenge and I am thankful to be nominated and recognized by my teachers. I believe my respect for learning and eagerness to succeed helped to make me stand out and be recognized for this honor. I participate in many extracurricular activities and events as well.
Clubs & Activities: Book Club President, Hi-Q, Swim Team, National Honors Society, Battle of the Books
Honors: Scholastic Art Award, Unmasked Cover, MAMBO Student of the Month, Edmonds Arts Festival Top Honors, Athlete of the Month (2022)
Employment: Mountlake Terrace Recreation Center, Harbor Square Athletic Club
Goals: I hope to attend a 4-year university and earn my bachelor’s degree.

Scriber Lake High

Mona P. Knight

Mona is an outstanding student. We are lucky to have students like Mona in our schools community. Mona will be working and attending Evergreen Beauty College. We are proud of her accomplishments!

Edmonds Heights K-12

Kalyton Sheldon

As a citizen of the Tulalip Tribes I appreciate being able to bring my full self to school at Edmonds K-12 Heights. I am excited to be graduating this year and to study abroad for college. I have been working hard on Algebra and my teacher, Lori, makes it fun to learn math. I appreciate being recognized as January’s student of the month for Edmonds School District. As a snowboarder and a canoe puller, the journey might be bumpy and rough but still keep going! The great Mobius reminds us of our ability to make life special, “I like it. Slap it on a t-shirt.”

Annika Johnson

I am a Running Start student and have been going to Edmonds Heights longer than I can clearly remember, and although I’m not on campus as often as I used to be, I still have fond memories of the teachers and peers there. I belive I was nominated because I am responsible with my schoolwork, and I do my best to submit everything on time. Between interning at a local horseback riding facility and helping out on the tech team for my church, I do my best to be as helpful as possible when given the opportunity. I am grateful to the staff who have nominated me as Student of the Month for January.

Lynnwood High

Ben Carter

I have been helping out in the main office for the last few months. I have helped miss Monica and Nikki with whatever they have asked me to do including getting teachers their packages to getting the mail and printing/cutting semester passes. I’ve just been trying to do my best as a student and I don’t think I deserve to be a student of the month but I’m honored to be nominated and it has been a pleasure to help the good people of LHS. I will continue to do well and make more accomplishments for myself. I would also like to thank Mrs. Green for my accomplishments as she has helped from my sophomore year all the way till now. Thank you LHS for making me one of your student’s of the month, I will not let you down.

Richard Choy


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