Preliminary election results released Tuesday night show the Edmonds School District’s replacement programs and operations levy passing with 52.46 percent voter approval.
The levy requires over 50 percent voter approval to pass. Four years ago, the levy that this measure is replacing had 62.88 percent voter approval in similar preliminary results.
Though this year’s results are much closer than the levy passed four years ago, the Edmonds School Board and district officials were optimistic at the end of Tuesday’s School Board meeting. News of the election results came at the very end of the meeting.
“We want to thank our community,” said Superintendent Kris McDuffy. “This was a difficult election season. We understand.”
Technology director Cynthia Nelson said historically, the Edmonds School District levies usually get more support as ballots are counted. The election results will not be certified for a couple of weeks, as ballots continue to be counted.
Earlier in the meeting, Board Member Diana White offered thanks to those who volunteered their time in support of the levy measure, such as those who worked at phone banks to reach out to voters.
“It’s one of the most difficult times to ask for money,” she said.
Before the levy results dropped, McDuffy said she she had to remind herself to breathe during the board meeting.
“I feel like an expectant parent waiting for the election results,” she said. “It has been challenging times. I want to thank our team for their incredible efforts. We’ll talk about next steps regardless of the results.”
–Story and photo by Natalie Covate
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