District families on free or reduced meal plan eligible for Pandemic EBT benefits through summer

Edmonds School District families who qualify for free and reduced school meals are also eligible to receive a Pandemic EBT benefit to purchase groceries during the summer.

Those who already receive Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) food benefits will automatically receive the Pandemic EBT (P-EBT) money that can be used to purchase groceries while schools are closed. Those who do not already receive DSHS food benefits can apply for P-EBT by visiting WashingtonConnections.org or calling 877-501-2233.

Additional information will be sent home to families who qualify for free and reduced meals. Families requiring financial assistance that qualify for free or reduced meals can also sign up before June 30 to be eligible for additional EBT money.

Families that need copies of their free or reduced benefit letter or want to apply for meal benefits can contact Dee Moran at 425-431-7078.

Meal applications for the 2020 -21 school year will be available after July 1 and distributed at all district grab and g0 meal pick-up sites. Meals will continue to be free throughout the district all summer.

Summer grab and go meal sites

The district’s Food and Nutrition Department plans to continue meal service through the summer. The schedule is being finalized and will be at different times and a few less locations than our current grab and go distribution.

For more information and qualifications, view the graphic below:

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