Council June 6 to hold a public hearing and vote for Main Street Phase 2 property acquisition

The Mountlake Terrace City Council, during its June 6 meeting, is scheduled to hold a public hearing and vote on the acquisition of Main Street Phase 2 property.

The city must acquire portions of property adjacent to the existing city right-of-way. No property will be taken entirely, and no structure along the project path is planned to be demolished.

The project will reconstruct deteriorating road pavement and allow two travel lanes. The revised street will also feature bike lanes and a center turn lane. 

Further, the project will replace curbs and gutters, construct sidewalks, add pedestrian and street lighting, improve storm drainage, upgrade curb ramps to current ADA standards, move overhead utilities underground, and upgrade traffic signals.

Also scheduled for Thursday’s meeting:

– A review of traffic-calming methods for the Safe Routes to School Project. City engineering staff will be present to follow up on previous council questions about the changes proposed for the intersection of 216th Street Southwest and 48th Avenue West for the Safe Routes to School project. They will also provide information on traffic calming techniques.

– A review of the request for proposals for a long-range financial sustainability consultant. The city council wants to form a long-range financial sustainability task force consisting of community members to provide recommendations on how to balance the city’s future expenditures and revenues. City staff would like the support of a facilitator and possibly experts such as financial consultants and community engagement and communications consultants for the scope of work.

–  A review and vote on an amendment to the Snohomish County 911 interlocal agreement. The proposed changes include the process for selecting governing board members and alternates, the elimination of the single non-voting board seat, two additional non-substantive changes that more closely align with how caucus voting has been managed post-pandemic and the elimination of the term “Wireless Technology,” which is no longer a department at SNO-911.

– A proclamation for LGBTQAI+ Pride Month

– A proclamation for Juneteenth.

The meeting will start at 7 p.m., June 6, at Mountlake Terrace City Hall, 23204 58th Ave. W., Mountlake Terrace.

To attend the meeting online, visit and enter meeting ID 810 1113 9518; no passcode is needed.

To make a public comment remotely, complete the registration form within 24 hours of the meeting’s start at

To listen via telephone, call 1-253-215-8782 and enter the same meeting ID.

You also can view livestreamed meetings and past video recordings at

The agenda can be viewed here.

— By Rick Sinnett

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