230th St SW is currently being rebuilt from 56th Ave W to I-5. Here’s a construction update and some photos:
Construction activities began on the site the last week of March. So far, the work has consisted of installing erosion control measures and clearing obstructions from the work area. Silt fences and catch basin inserts were installed to prevent silt laden water from entering the storm drains and creeks. Fences and plantings in the right of way were also removed. Next week clearing activities will continue along with the construction of rockeries and the storm drainage system. Pulverizing the existing pavement along 230th is scheduled to take place April 14 and 15. The pavement at 58th will remain to permit the smooth flow of traffic north and south. As the installation of the new storm system and water mains progresses, the 228th Street bridge will be temporarily closed to traffic. That is scheduled to occur the last week of the April.
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