Comp Plan Changes Public Hearing December 6

The City Council will hold a public hearing on amendments to the city’s comprehensive plan and zoning map on Monday, December 6 at 7:00 pm at the Interim City Hall, 6100 219th Street SW, Mountlake Terrace, second floor Council Chambers.

One amendment would rezone an area adjacent to I-5 and 220th Street SW from residential to general commercial.  The area contains one large site that had been a public school between 1959 and 1975 and nineteen single-family parcels.

“The proposed designation is not about development happening in this area now,” said Alice Kier, Planning Commission Chair.  “The proposal is about planning for the future.”  Under the amendment, current land uses can continue.

Other proposals include updates to the city’s six-year finance plans for capital improvement projects and policies for public schools and sustainability.

Under the proposal, two city-owned sites would have a new designation on the Comprehensive Plan map. One change would designate a portion of Jack Long Park where the water towers are already located as “public facilities and services.”  The other change would designate a city-owned parcel along Cedar Way, which contains Lyon Creek Detention Dam, as “parks and open space.”

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