Help Clean Up Mountlake Terrace on May 15

The city of Mountlake Terrace is hosting the annual volunteer cleanup day on May 15. This is a great way to get outside, meet some neighbors and help clean up the community.

This is a way that the residents of Mountlake Terrace can help the City save some money by having volunteers help clean up public spaces rather than paying City employees to do the job. We have to give it to the City for doing a great job being fiscally responsible the past couple years. All around us, cities are facing millions of dollars in budget deficits and will likely have to cut key city services. Volunteering a few hours on a Saturday is one way us residents can say thank you to the City Council and City staff for keeping us in the black and not having to cut key city services.

Volunteers should meet at the Terrace Park School Parking lot, 5409 228th Street SW, at 9 a.m. in comfortable work clothes, with gloves and tools in hand, to get their assignment. Individuals, families, and service groups can help rake, paint and pick up brush at a nearby city park or facility. Groups  should  contact Parks  and  Facilities  Superintendent  Ken  Courtmanch  at (425) 776-1811 to register in advance. Children under 14 should be accompanied by an adult. Following the work party, the City Council will host a barbecue for volunteers. The event will take place rain or shine.

Get together with your family, sports team, office, church or other community organization and let’s help clean up our city because it benefits everyone here.

I’ll be there. Will you?


[image courtesy trpnblies7]

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