Today’s statement supporting Proposition 1 comes from Mayor Jerry Smith:
I’m writing to encourage the community to vote YES on Mountlake Terrace Proposition 1.
This measure will provide a new civic campus on the old civic center site with a new community/senior center, public meeting places, new police station, emergency operations center, city offices, library facility upgrades, streetscapes with wider sidewalks, amphitheater and tree-lined streets. Our recent art show that attracted a large crowd, police station remodel, and city hall demolition have demonstrated how we have outgrown these facilities.
The facility would appeal to everyone, with year-round events such as senior activities, art shows, music festivals, dance programs, expanded farmers market, public safety fairs, outdoor movies and concerts.
The civic campus will drive targeted development to our downtown and bolster the tax base to ensure that city services will be sustainable into the future. Currently residents share most of the property tax burden, paying 85 percent of those collected. A rejuvenated town center and civic campus will breathe new life into our downtown with a bustling economy that will eventually lower the taxes on our residents.
Jerry Smith
Mountlake Terrace
Originally published in the Herald
The current economy has awakened the cynic in me, so with that disclaimer I’d like to say that the idea of paying close to twenty bucks a month more in taxes is daunting to me. I’ve been unemployed for a while now and it’s not looking too good in the job market. Where will I find this extra money? I’d love to have this center, but I’d also like an Audi TT and a romantic vacation in Paris. I can’t afford any of these wonderful things right now.
the amount would be $10.00 per month or $120.00 per year. Not voting yes would mean paying the same amount (with no relief) for rent until a new civic center is built. Also your tax dollars just went down about the same amount as $120.00. Cost of materials are down, labor is down. The city presentation is factual. I suggest you attend the meeting at the golf course and take all your questions to them and present them. any money not used from this bond issue will be credited on the final bill.
I am agianst the new civic campus, in a down economy, the last thing we need is bigger city government and and an added expense for our residents. I think the city should keep our taxes down and stay where they are.
Go to a Finance 101 presentation and ask all your questions. We will not be getting a bigger city government, only a home that is ours and on our land we the citizens already own.