City Responds to Graffiti Problem

MLTnews readers aren’t the only ones noticing an increase in graffiti in the city in recent months. The City of MLT recently published this notice that they are continuing to address the problem. MLT residents are generally the first people to notice new graffitti and it would make the city’s job easier if they are notified quickly of new graffiti. You can easily make a service request using City’s MLT Anytime program located on the City’s website at You can also email the PD at and photos are definitley helpful. The information from the City is below:

Over the past two months graffiti on the east side of the City has increased, especially along the Cedar Way corridor. Graffiti is an unsanctioned activity that creates a considerable expense for property owners, including the citizens of Mountlake Terrace and it compromises the public’s sense of safety. Our philosophy is that all property belongs to someone, and it is not “art” if you don‟t have permission.

Our Code Enforcement Officers take a very proactive approach in contacting property owners including public utilities about the graffiti. Property owners to include public utilities (e.g., Verizon, PUD, Comcast) have been very responsive and cleaned up the graffiti in a timely manner. The challenge is that once the graffiti is removed it is being re-tagged shortly afterwards. For example, several Verizon cabinet boxes that were cleaned just after Memorial Day were tagged only a couple of days later.

We will continue with our proactive patrolling of the area coupled with continual clean-up – primarily painting over the graffiti. Experience shows that this approach has been very successful in keeping graffiti from returning by persistent repainting of tagged properties. Service requests about graffiti can be made through the City’s MLT Anytime program located on the City’s website at

  1. those apartments have been known as crackside for so long and just now someone ie. captian obvious decided to drag anarchy into it lame.

  2. those apartments have been known as crackside for so long and just now someone ie. captian obvious decided to drag anarchy into it lame.

  3. There are a couple of alleys I’m aware of that are covered with graffiti. One behind the High School tennis courts (behind the wildlife open area) and one near 220th (behind the Mormon church). These are small corridors where wooden fences are sprayed pretty good. These are not highly visible areas and that’s why its probably there and doesn’t get painted over. This kind of minor league, if you will, because its all about visibility with these guys. High visibility areas is where taggers want to put their fart, I mean art on display.nn Nonetheless, these should be dealt with. For all we know, these low visibility areas may be where kids start before they escalate to higher visibility areas or worse crimes.

  4. There are a couple of alleys I'm aware of that are covered with graffiti. One behind the High School tennis courts (behind the wildlife open area) and one near 220th (behind the Mormon church). These are small corridors where wooden fences are sprayed pretty good. These are not highly visible areas and that's why its probably there and doesn't get painted over. This kind of minor league, if you will, because its all about visibility with these guys. High visibility areas is where taggers want to put their fart, I mean art on display. Nonetheless, these should be dealt with. For all we know, these low visibility areas may be where kids start before they escalate to higher visibility areas or worse crimes.

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