City Council Wrap-up 1/18

The city had a busy night unanimously voting to adopt 4 new city policies which are summarized below. Take our poll at the end of the post and let us know how you feel about the current City Council.

Adoption of Hazard Mitigation Plan Resolution

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) adopted by the City in 2004. The purpose of this updated plan is to meet the current regulatory requirements for hazard mitigation plans and to provide the City with a useful working document to reduce risks from natural hazards (e.g., flooding). An updated plan, submitted through the Emergency Services Coordinating Agency (ESCA), must be reviewed and approved by FEMA every five years in accordance with current regulatory requirements. FEMA approval is needed for the City to qualify for federal disaster recovery funding. In August, 2009, the Council approved submitting the updated Plan to FEMA. FEMA has now approved the Plan and it can be formally adopted by the Council.

Adoption of Ordinance Amending MTMC 2.40, Community Policing Advisory Board

On December 2, 2010, the City Clerk’s Office provided the Council with a list of recommended housekeeping updates in MTMC 2.40, Community Policing Advisory Board, concerning membership, meetings, and terms. These changes include:

  1. Eliminating the Police Department ex-officio member
  2. Changing the composition from 8 to 7
  3. Updating the required quorum from 5 to 4 members
  4. Clean up outdated language and omissions from the previous codification.
  5. Changing the business representative to a resident representative, consistent with that same change that occurred in 2009. The business representative resigned in November of 2010.

Approval of Interlocal Agreement Authorizing Establishment of the Snohomish County Tourism Promotion Area

A Tourism Promotion Area (TPA) is a self-imposed assessment by the lodging industry to fund tourism promotion. The Interlocal Agreement establishing a TPA would provide for charges of $1.00 per room night of occupancy to be imposed on lodging businesses that have 50 or more lodging units within the TPA.

The City of Mountlake Terrace has one lodging facility, Studio 6 Hotel, that would be affected by the TPA.

This assessment will help replace funds that are scheduled to be removed from the State budget in July 2011.

Approval of Amendment to Lake Ballinger / McAleer Creek Watershed Forum Interlocal Agreement

The primary purpose of the legislative agenda is to obtain funding to implement the Forum’s Strategic Action Plan. The Forum recommends the Johnston Group to provide federal government relations services necessary for the Forum to increase its visibility with its congressional delegation and compete for federal funding. The Johnston Group as provided a proposal that totals $30,000 and includes all expenses with the exception of airfare and lodging connected to Forum trips to Washington D.C.

To move forward with an amendment to the ILA that provides the funding to retain the services of the Johnston Group on behalf of the Forum, the respective City Councils of the three member agencies (Edmonds, Lake Forest Park and Mountlake Terrace) must all approve an amendment to the existing interlocal agreement.

The additional cost to the City of Mountlake Terrace will be $10,000 as each of the Forum members will share equally in the expense. Funds are allocated in the storm water utility construction program (2011-2016) to finance improvements in the Lake Ballinger watershed to include this type of service.

New Business

The city plans to send a strong letter to Frontier satellite TV service expressing the city’s displeasure with the 46% increase of rates.

This issue will be revisited at the next working council session.

If you would like to learn about about your city council you can listen to meetings here.

Please take our poll below and comment with what you would like the City Council to accomplish this year.

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