Reminder: City Council to review Town Center Plan at Thursday work/study session

Reviewing the proposed Town Center Subarea Plan will be the focus of the Mountlake Terrace City Council work/study session this Thursday, Aug. 15. Public comment will also be accepted at the meeting.

The proposed plan includes changes in zoning for the downtown core that would allow for taller buildings and increased density.

The council agenda also includes a presentation from Forterra on the Green Cities Initiative, and a review of an agreement with the state Recreation Conservation Office for a youth athletic facilities grant.

At its July 22 special meeting, the City Council encouraged ongoing community input on the Town Center Subarea Plan Update and to contact the city with comments. To provide input, citizens may either attend a meeting and provide verbal comments, write a letter to the City Council or email

In an announcement about the meeting Thursday, the city stressed that comments are a part of the public record being forwarded to the city council as they continue to work through their review of the plan and supporting documents. Citizens will also have an upcoming opportunity to ask questions about the plan during the Aug. 14 Coffee with the City event from 6-7 p.m. at the Recreation Pavilion.

The city council is tentatively scheduled to hold a public hearing Monday, Sept. 16 on the both the Comprehensive Plan and development regulations related to the Town Center Subarea Plan. Final city council action on the Town Center Plan is tentatively scheduled for Thursday, Sept. 26 at 7 p.m.

The city council at its Aug. 1 and 5 meetings specifically focused on the draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (also known as the SEIS) that has been prepared as part of the Town Center Plan.

The Draft SEIS can be reviewed at City Hall and on the city website at A 30-day comment period on the Draft SEIS runs through 4 p.m. on Aug. 19, 2019. The SEIS will supplement the Mountlake Terrace Town Center Planned Action and Zoning Regulations Final Environmental Impact Statement (Final EIS), published in August 2007, and the Town Center Planned Action Final EIS Addendum, published in April 2013.

You may visit for City Council meeting agendas, materials, and audio.  All the meetings will begin at 7 p.m. in the Interim City Hall Council Chambers, 6100 219th St. S.W. #220, Mountlake Terrace, unless otherwise posted.



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