City council reviews MLT Vision and Strategic plan goals during May 9 meeting

Allegra Calder of BERK Consulting reviews updates to the council’s strategic goals.

Allegra Calder of BERK Consulting shared updates on the Mountlake Terrace City Council’s  strategic goals during the May 9 council meeting. 

During a work retreat on April 27, Calder, the city council and staff reviewed community engagement data and city accomplishments for the current strategic plan, including opportunities, challenges and priorities for the next biennial strategy.

On May 9, Calder presented slides to the councilmembers and audience showing the goals discussed during the work retreat .

The revised goals are as follows:

Building on our vibrant community

– Add more housing that is affordable across income levels to accommodate a growing population.

– Grow city events and programming to activate the city and build community.

– Prioritize investments in economic development marketing, recruitment and coordination to attract new development, businesses and residents to the city and retain existing businesses.

– Support businesses and place-based organizations by reducing barriers to their success, improving relationships with business advocacy agencies, and community building through engagement with businesses and partner organizations.

– Create inviting, active, clean and safe business districts.

– Continue to prepare the city’s Town Center for private investment through continued work on  the buildout of Main Street and Phases 2 and 3, utility infrastructure, park improvements, third places for community gatherings, and a pathway to redevelop the recreation pavilion.

Responsible governance to maintain the desired level of service.

– Balance maintenance with expanding infrastructure to encourage and support economic development and anticipated population growth.

– Make systems and technology investments to promote efficiency and reduce risk.

– Convene a financial sustainability task force, with broad representation from the community, to help identify options to finance, develop, and maintain quality services, infrastructure and amenities.

– Increase partnerships to leverage city resources, embrace opportunities to co-create and improve the city more holistically.

– Ensure public health and safety through police, fire and emergency preparedness services.

– Promote existing public assistance tools provided locally and regionally, and advocate for additional resources to support people’s basic needs, including staying in their homes. 

An informed and engaged community.

– Proactively engage the community in plans for growth and infrastructure improvements.

– Continue to adapt and update the city’s communications plan and a citywide community engagement plan to ensure the city reaches a representative audience of community members.

– Develop and implement a community ambassadors program to inspire more community leaders with connections to city government.

– Continue to improve broadband access to all residents permanently.

Environmental sustainability and resilience. 

– Develop a climate action plan.

– Update and implement the emergency response plan.

– Continue to design street projects to increase alternatives to driving and multi-modal connections.

According to Calder, the newly refined goals will guide staff on day-to-day decisions to progress the policy priorities and empower team members to feel comfortable with community decision-making.

During the May 9 meeting,  councilmembers discussed aspects of the vocabulary used to clarify the draft and said they will continue refining it at later meetings.

In other business, the city council reviewed the proposed internal policy for city proclamations. However, Mayor Kyoko Matsumoto Wright and Councilmember Laura Sonmore each had an excused absence from the meeting, so the revisions could not be moved to the May 16 consent calendar and will be discussed at a future meeting.

If approved, the revised internal policy will clarify the purpose of proclamations, roles and responsibilities, and the review process for proclamations.  

The city council also approved a public hearing for a new franchise agreement with Zayo Group, LLC., to be held during the May 16 city council meeting.

If approved, this 10-year agreement, which expires in 2034, allows the broadband internet company to use the city’s utility right-of-way to connect customers to high-speed fiber optic internet. 

The next meeting will start at 7 p.m., May 16, at Mountlake Terrace City Hall, 23204 58th Ave. W., Mountlake Terrace.

To attend the meeting online, visit and enter meeting ID 810 1113 9518; no passcode is needed.

To make a public comment remotely, complete the registration form within 24 hours of the meeting’s start at

To listen via telephone, call 1-253-215-8782 and enter the same meeting ID.

You also can view livestreamed meetings and past video recordings at

The agenda can be viewed here.

— By Rick Sinnett

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